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What time do you let your hens out of their night house?

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i always close my eglu doors - even in summer as I have noisy hens.


In the summer on a working week day they are let out 6-45-7am, and later on the weekend (to give my neighbours a lie in :D )


At this moment in time they are let out 7am ish during the week as I leave home just after 7am for work.

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Mine are let out at about 0645 at this time fo year. In the summe perhaps a bit earlier - the trouble is they squawk in the eglu if they don't get let out, then they sqauwk in the run to be let out to free range - then they squawk at the door for porrige - they have me well trained really. I don't think they would be very happy if they were left until 8am - but at the end of the day it's your routine. I am up and out with the dog early most mornings anyway!

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At the moment I let the girls out at 7am when it is still dark.


In the summer because it gets light so early up here they want to up and about at about 2.30am -3am. I close the eglu door but do not lock it then the girls can push the door open themselves, I am not getting up that early even for my girls :lol:


Yesterday I over slept and I didn't open the door until 9am. the girls were not happy :shock::lol:

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I am not an early riser, so I'm afraid mine are let out of the eglu at 7.30am at the moment. It was 6.30am back in the Summer but later at weekends.


I used to have the eglu door permanently open (and would still love to do this as it's so convenient) but a few noisy 4am wake up calls in the Summer put a stop to that.

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but a few noisy 4am wake up calls in the Summer put a stop to that.


Same here, I was once woken by Ella at 5am, I could hear her in my bed and my bedroom is at the front and the chooks out the back :shock:


I even imagine i can hear them too, quite often I think im hearing chickens...i rush out to the garden and all is quiet..... :oops: im going ever so slightly mad me thinks :lol:

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I open the eglu door at about 7.30 (the time is getting earlier and earlier as it gets lighter), it was more like 7.50 a few weeks ago.


And at night I'm shutting the door when they've put themselves to bed, which is also getting later as the days are getting longer (yay!) so about 5.40.


I'm hoping to leave the door open later in the year...I'll see how it goes noise wise...

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Does this mean that we can wave goodbye to my lie-ins if we get the chickens? We're a bit rubbish about getting up early, especially at the weekends. I didn't realise that they were that noisy as most things I've read up until now say it is only the cockerals that make lots of noise.


I'm now having second thoughts.....


Also worried about the pecking that was mentioned in another thread. Is this just something they do before they tame down?

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Does this mean that we can wave goodbye to my lie-ins if we get the chickens? We're a bit rubbish about getting up early.


You can leave the Eglu door open all night - I do. Opinions vary on this, but my hens don't seem to mind and I'm confident that they are safe within the Eglu run.


Mine do bawk-bawk a bit when they have laid an egg, but otherwise they aren't very noisy. It might depend a bit on your individual chickens, and how close they are to neighbouring houses, but I've had no complaints!

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Being on holiday from work this week (half term) I have just started to leave the eglu door open at night as I didn't want to have to get up too early. My chooks seem very happy with this and have been happily pottering about in the run when I have looked out of the window each morning. Like a previous omleteer I feel comfident that the chooks are safe as the run is well pegged down with omlet pegs. I have not had a problem with any noise from them so far so I intend to carry on with this. I feel it is a more natural existence for the chooks to be able to get up when they want to, especially with the light mornings rapidly approaching.


Had my chooks since last October and can't imagine life without them now. We love them to bits.

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Mine do bawk-bawk a bit when they have laid an egg, but otherwise they aren't very noisy. It might depend a bit on your individual chickens, and how close they are to neighbouring houses, but I've had no complaints!


I guess if egg-laying is anything at all like child birth then you can understand why they make a noise!


Our chooks would be very close to our house and we are mid-terrace so the neighbours would undoubtedly be able to hear them.


Which tend to be quieter out of the Gingernuts or the Pepperpots?

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Hello all,

Ooooh'er NOISE . .. i had't expected noise, gentle rousing chicken warbles but

noise . .. so sounds like if they're locked in they get noisy to come out, if they're out & about are they noisy when wandering.

Are some noisier than others . .. ours would be up against hedge ( if don't persuade myself to cancel ) near neighbours bedroom window :o . . mind you surely 2 or 3 chooks can't make that much noise that would disturbing ?!!

Anyone with Mrs Pepperpots noticed how noisy or quiet they are?


Bless, thought it would be lovely sound


Like the idea of girls being able to push open door as & when they please.


Do they make noise in the middle of the night then??? I thought they would sleep once it gets dark.


Ms Tilydoesntknowmuch



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Anyone with Mrs Pepperpots noticed how noisy or quiet they are?


I have three Pepperpots and honestly they hardly make any noise at all,

certainly nothing that the neighbours would complain about. I had to tell

my neighbours I had chickens, they hadn't even noticed :roll: They only do

the loud bok bok if they see a cat in the garden, or a bit of a squawk when they lay an egg. Don't worry about the noise aspect.



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I have one Pepperpot and two gingernuts and I can honestly say they have never made a loud noise. The noise they do make is a pleasant clucking/cooing that we can harldy hear in the kitchen although the run is only a few steps from the patio. Even when they lay an egg they do not make a noise. I have been in the garden when one has gone into the nest box to lay and not heard a sound out of her. I really think it depends on what breed you get. The Omlet chooks do seem to be extremely well behaved young ladies. I have found them to be very friendly, constantly looking for company and taking a interest in anything you do in the garden. They follow us around, looking and gently clucking as if to ask 'what are you doing'.


Only one of my neighbours has noticed the chickens and that's only because she saw them out of the window. She thinks they are great. None of the other neighbours have mentioned anything about the girls and believe me they would have if they were a nuisance in any way.

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Do they make noise in the middle of the night then??? I thought they would sleep once it gets dark.


I have noisy chooks but they make no noise whilst its dark, they go into "roost" mode, chooks cant see well in the dark - thats why they take themselves off to bed. So they will be quiet as mice by night. :D


As soon as it gets light my lot will make a noise. :roll:

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