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Yippee, I'm back!

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oh yes I am! Hooray.... hello one and all! So many new users since I went away! Very glad to see the clock is still showing the wrong time though.... glad some things never change! How are you all? A quick resume please of your lives since I was last here in January. The house is finally finished, builders gone... just about a year's worth of plumbing, woodwork and decorating to do now! Chooks very well, as are the rest of the menagerie, oh, and the other half!

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The clock is showing the correct time! :D You need to change your user profile to be GMT. :wink:


Bah! :oops: see? Out of practice!

I must get onto the forum more often.

I must get onto the forum more often.

I must get onto the forum more often.

I must get onto the forum more often.

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Thank you all, so nice to hear from you...I would love a pound for all the people who have asked me about Shelley Rudman....yes, and no. is the answer. I have seen her around, but unfortunately, cannot claim any links to her, apart from sharing our locality. I hoped you would all think that was the reason why I disappeared for the winter?....you know training, etc? Maybe the lid of the Eglu could double as a high tech tea-tray for the skeleton Bob? Can't fool you lot though, can I?

So good to be back.....O.H. is frantically tiling the shower and he's just asked me what I'm doing... :roll::D

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The girl who won a silver medal in the Winter Olympics by throwing herself down a mountain on a tea tray. She comes from my village..., No doubt she will soon become one of those pointless celebrities I have been reading about in another thread!

What great entertainment this site is!

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Yep, Shelley Rudman was the only medal winner (Silver) from the UK. It was our first since 1938 or something ridiculous. Last Saturday the whole village and around 6,000 other people all turned out onto the street to welcome her back. It was good fun, flag waving etc.



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Hi Annie P and welcome back you have a lot of catching up to do.........................Hope the building work went well.............. :lol::lol:


hi AnnieP we met on another thread. Dont mean to be nosey (oh that is such a fib I am very nosey) but what building work are you having done? Did you build your own house? :lol::lol:

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