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Free cup of tea!

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I love my cups of tea!


Me too!


Yorkshire tea or Ringtons reminds me of being at my grans house 8)


Late MIL used to have her tea delivered by a chap in a a Ringtons van. Hee used to weigh it out on a little counter in the back of the van on old fashioned scales apparently. :lol:



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Late MIL used to have her tea delivered by a chap in a a Ringtons van. Hee used to weigh it out on a little counter in the back of the van on old fashioned scales apparently. :lol:




How quaint! My grans village had a grocer/post office van on a Friday, and the butcher used to come in his van too, from the next but one village :D I'll be honest, I can't remember if any of them had old fashioned scales though. It was a different world up there 8)

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