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Cube arrives Friday. Bit more advice needed! - IT'S HERE!!!

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Just a couple of questions, as I'm preparing for my cube's arrival. I've cleared the area for it and paved it. I've almost finished a border to make look a bit tidier.


I was just looking to get organised as to what to line the run & nesting box with. I've read some people use bark, some straw and some hemcore but was just after some final guidance.


We also went on a bit of a reconnaissance mission today to visit a local breeder. My girlfriend was really taken with a Buff Wyandotte and I really liked the Brown Speckeldy, we've got one or two more to choose but will decide next Saturday when we collect them. Very excited!!!

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Hi there, how exciting! We've got a speckledy but a grey one and she's LOVERLY! We use Aubiose or Hemcore in the run poo trays and nest box and if it's cold or I'm feeling nice they get a bit of straw on top of the bedding in the nest too, that said when I put straw in they poo on it a lot more so we get mucky eggs. You're not supposed to use bark as it can get a type of mould although we've got woodchip down in their free range area, and use straw not hay because of the dust apparently. Good luck choosing your hens, how many are you going to get?


Mrs Bertie

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I would choose six when you go to collect them. If you start with three or four you'll want six in a matter of weeks. The chap i got my hens from looked very strangely at me when I said I only wanted three. he said I'd be back . . and i was within weeks! Hens are so lovely to keep and if you have three you may as well have six, they're really easy to keep. No matter how many eggs you get you'll never have enough for you, friends and family!

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I agree with Ajuff.....you'll be back.


If you get them all at once, you will only have to go through the introduction/pecking order thingy the once.


A brown Speckledy you say. I've never heard of one. I bet it was pretty.


If you get her, could we see a picture please?


Pictures are mandatory anyway. :lol:

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Pictures will be coming (probably on Sunday).


I've also added the 1m extension to my order as I was looking at how much freedom they have at the moment and was feeling guilty. So I spent Sunday laying extra slabs to allow for the 1m extension and rang Omlet this morning to add the extension.


I've also found a local Hemcore supplier and they've got two bales (£7.80 each, does that sound about right?). They've also got some of their own brand too which he said was basically the same. He thought that two bales would cover an area 3.2m by 2.4m.


I've got dried mealworms in too, feed bin and scoop. I just need to sort out some food for them!!!


According to the Organic Feed Company's website there's a supplier quite near me so I'll give him a call tomorrow.


Anything I'm missing?

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You might want to get some bokashi bran and/or AviPro (a mixture of vitamins and probiotics) - both are good for the runny tummies that some hens get through the stress of moving. You can get AviPro from any number of online shops, and bokashi bran is available from Wiggly Wigglers and other compost suppliers :)

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Thanks for the replies, everyone. I'm getting a bit nervous now as I want everything to be perfect for them! :roll:


What do you do with the Bokashi Bran?


With regard to the point about the depth of the hemcore, how deep should it be? I've done it so that I can get at least 2 inches down. Do they need that much or is less ok?

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I only put 1 inch thick of Auboise (same as Hemcore) on the ground in my run. I keep the run covered with a shower curtain (or the rain turns it to sludge). I only change it once a month for my 4 girls.


Sounds like you've got everything sorted. As long as you've got feed sorted out, the rest you can get later..... I've bought loads of stuff after reading recomendations on this forum, and its all really useful, but it's not all essential for week 1 with your new chooks. And most stuff you can get online quite quickly if you need it. So just enjoy when they arrive....

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What do you do with the Bokashi Bran?

Mix it in with their pellets.....measurements vague...I usually add a couple of tbsps to a full Grub.


Also if you sprinkle a bit in the poo tray it stops smells.


With regard to the point about the depth of the hemcore, how deep should it be? I've done it so that I can get at least 2 inches down. Do they need that much or is less ok?


2ins will be lovely fot them to scratch about in but a bit less will be OK too.


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I only put 1 inch thick of Auboise (same as Hemcore) on the ground in my run. I keep the run covered with a shower curtain (or the rain turns it to sludge). I only change it once a month for my 4 girls.


Sounds like you've got everything sorted. As long as you've got feed sorted out, the rest you can get later..... I've bought loads of stuff after reading recomendations on this forum, and its all really useful, but it's not all essential for week 1 with your new chooks. And most stuff you can get online quite quickly if you need it. So just enjoy when they arrive....


Shower Curtain? That's a new one on me. I guess it makes sense. I'll need to go and get one. How do you fix it on?


I suppose somewhere like Asda would be a good place to pick up a cheap one?


I'll order some Bokashi Bran. If it stops the poo smelling then that's good enough for me! :D

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If you are any where near a Dunelm Mill they do a super clear plastic, which lets so much light into the run.


It is not expensive either. About 2 quid a metre if I remember correctly.


I hold it on with bungee cords (2 looped together over the top x 3 per Eglu). So far so good. :lol:

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If you are any where near a Dunelm Mill they do a super clear plastic, which lets so much light into the run.


It is not expensive either. About 2 quid a metre if I remember correctly.


I hold it on with bungee cords (2 looped together over the top x 3 per Eglu). So far so good. :lol:


I am very near a Dunelm Mll and my girlfriend will be over the moon at the chance to go there. I may have to sneak in on a secret mission to avoid having to redecorate a room to match the new curtains she's bought. Plus she'd probably forget the real reason she went in there in her excitement! :P:P:P

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The plastic from Dunelm Mill is good but a word of warning if you have a windy garden. Mine ripped off in the first gale :shock: .


I now use corrugated plastic sheets from B&Q (2 x £6) held on by bungee ropes. It's not shifted an inch (and we've had some howling gales recently).


They come in 2 1/2m lengths & I needed two side by side to cover an eglu run & extension.

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My garden is quite small and enclosed by fences all at least 5ft. The Cube and run are parked up against a wall so wind shouldn't really be a problem.


But one of those panels may be a good idea too. I think I'll get the chooks in on Saturday and decide on Sunday.


Bokashi Bran ordered. Anything else I'm missing?


I also wondered if there were any tips for introducing chooks to a Cube. Or is just plonk them in there with food and water and leave them to it for a bit?

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When you get them, it might be worth posting them in through the egg port so they know what is in the cube. Some find that the chooks become a bit confused at bedtime and don't know where to roost. Mine was built on the side of a walk in run and I put each one of them in the cube during the day to have a look round. They took themselves to bed no problem :D

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When you get them, it might be worth posting them in through the egg port so they know what is in the cube. Some find that the chooks become a bit confused at bedtime and don't know where to roost. Mine was built on the side of a walk in run and I put each one of them in the cube during the day to have a look round. They took themselves to bed no problem :D


That's a good idea. That way they can work out the way down the ladder. I'll definitely do that.


I also had another thought which was inspired by one of the runs on here. It was to take up one of the slabs (40cm x 40cm) in the run and put some logs around the edges so they could hop up onto them. Then the idea was to plant some stuff in the middle. Either for them to scratch around in, eat, play with or just generally amuse themselves with.


What do you think?

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Anything edible won't last five mins I'm afraid. :lol:


It is nice to see greenery in a run though.


Lavender looks nice, smells nice and the generally leave it alone......and has red mite repelling qualities, so a few leaves torn off and put in the nesting box won't go amiss. :lol:


Lavender would be nice. Maybe rosemary or will they demolish that? I was going to plant some wild rocket seeds too if that gets going they'll love that!


I was going to plant a few of the small daffs I've got in there too for a bit of colour.

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