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SOS Whacky ways to smuggle in 3 bantams?

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I am expecting triplets again and haven’t a clue how to break the news to my husband. He thought I was having twins in November but got such a shock when the triplets were delivered early one morning – and now I have fallen again……….


It’s love at first sight and I have had the email today – so its official – I am to be the proud adoptive Mother Hen to three adorable little bantams.


I have to somehow get all the preparations done without him noticing – and its raining so he is not playing golf!


I have to somehow drive to rendezvous to collect them on Sunday afternoon – so will be out a couple of hours – he is bound to notice me missing at half time in the football!


My dream scenario would be that he would be out – I would collect them, and install them in the Eglu. Hide my other three in the shed overnight, and he might not notice them the next day as I get up early to see to the chooks before he is even awake. Then after a few days he might notice them and ask the classic, ‘Are those new?’ and we all know the answer to that don’t we girls!


You must have some original and devious suggestions.

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Get him really drunk, take him out there and convince him he's seeing double, and then in the morning insist that the drinking binge must have caused permanant damage...


Not bad but he doesn't drink indoors!

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You should make up the worst thing you can think of like you are rescuing 50 hens. Really play on his emotions and then when he starts to freak just say that because his reservations are important to you you'll only get another 3 then 8):lol:


That's a thought - he came in after bowls the other night and saw Jimmy's farm and the rescure battery hens. I could say that I rescured some from Jimmy as the wasn't coping too well. But I don't fancy plucking out all those feathers.


But that is a pretty good idea. I could work on that!

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They flew in...? :wink:


That's a goodun - might have the net on the top by then though - if not that will work.


Should I come clean and get the sulks over and done with now?


I saw some demijohns on Freecycle in a town near us, so I said 'yes please' and said that I could collect them. I wanted to have a go at making wine


I told OH and he tutted and sighed and asked what was the point as I don't drink and he drinks beer! Too much work for me blah blah blah


So I emailed the lady and told her what he said and apologised and said that it would be better to let someone else have them - rather than suffering OH going into Grumpy Old Man Syndrome - but I made it funnier than that. I then told him and he didn't believe me until I read it out. We were both crying with laughter. He said that I was a wiicked moo. Moi?


So it got me thinking if he was a grumpy old man about a couple of free glass jars............. :oops::oops::oops:

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Yes it is just a bit of fun. For the whackiest most outrageous plans. A bit Chicken run, Wallace and Gromit. The silliest the better!


Been naughty and agreed to adopt some little bantams and not told OH. Then got a mail to say they are mine and could we meet up on Sunday afternoon.


So am bursting with excitement, but I just have to stay cool, and not let it show. And I have to somehow make so many arrangements - buy food - sort out temporary housing etc etc. And I live miles from a town so can't just pop out for 5 minutes.


So have 3 days to try and do it all, without OH thinking I was up to something!


And then persuade him that it is a good idea. He thinks I am too old for all this! All the extra work blah blah. But when you have 3 chickens already there is not extra work with 6 or .........no, no more than 6. :lol::lol:

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What if I get some goose eggs tomorrow - make out the girls laid them and were broody and sitting on them, then when they hatch out on Sunday they are only baby chickens - that jsut do not happen to grow an bigger in the next few years?

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You could put them in a cardboard box Kooringa - and 'dump' them on your own doorstep? - obvioulsy everyone in the area must know you as 'the mad chicken woman' and you would be first choice if someone had to get rid of their hens?


Blame it on Bird Flu :wink:

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You could put them in a cardboard box Kooringa - and 'dump' them on your own doorstep? - obvioulsy everyone in the area must know you as 'the mad chicken woman' and you would be first choice if someone had to get rid of their hens?


Blame it on Bird Flu :wink:


that is a good one - I like the sound of that. I can see it now. Three little babes with nappies on, a bib, and a dummy pinned to each with a note.




What excuse for going out for about three hours beforehand though?

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When I worked in a boutique one of my customers used to buy her very expensive outfit,de label it & take it straight to the dry cleaners.

She would then pick it up a couple of days later & unwrap from its dry cleaning bag in her kitchen in front of her poor unsuspecting man.


Not sure if this would work for Chickens though :?:P:?

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Kooringa, this has made me laugh so much, especially at the thought of Himself noticing at half-time that you weren't there :roll: What's eh like??? :shock:


Say that you came across them wandering in the road and they didn't seem to belong to anybody when you asked around, so you brought them home. Even Grumpy Old Men can be thawed by the charms of cute little banties pootling around :wink: He'll stomp around for a bit, worry whether you'll have the time to cook his dinner, moan about change at your time of life.. etc, then he'll be fine - just cook him one of your lovely lunches :D


I so wish that I could come with you to collect them on Sunday

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I have heard that some incredibly ignorant people are dumping their hens :twisted::twisted:


However you can use this to your advantage. Make sure he is aware of this tragic bit of news - hopefully you won't have to buy too many newspapers before you find one carrying the story :?


Then pick up bantams and place them in a box on your doorstep. Enclose a note saying that their previous owner can no longer look after them - I'm sure you can come up with some heart-rending reasons to put on the note. Also add that they have been left on your doorstep because the previous owner knows the whole family loves bantams and you have room for them. Get a friend to copy out the note so it's not your handwriting.


Make sure that just before you 'find' bantams on your doorstep that he has had a good meal, some beer, watched some footie, and you have some exciting new underwear and a twinkle in your eye :wink:


Good luck :D

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