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chicken door stops

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Cardboard for templates

Some thick fabric (a really strong pillow case is good)

Two or three big bags of cheap rice (and a funnel)

Red felt (quite thick)

Yellow felt

Some eyes (buttons, felt, googley eyes - whatever you fancy)

Needle, thread, glue.



I made a pyramid-shaped chicken by cutting an equilateral triangle cardboard template which I then used as the basis to cut out four fabric triangles, placing one in the middle and then one along each edge*.


I made cardboard templates for the comb and the wattle, allowing an extra fat bit along the edge of the comb so it could be sewn into the seam of the body. Draw round these on your felt and cut your felt out.


For the beak, I cut a square of felt in half along the diagonal to make triangles, then folded those triangles in half to make the 'top beak' and 'bottom beak'.



Sew the triangles together INSIDE OUT if you have used separate triangles, or if not, pull the outer corners up, and sew all the adjoining seams together. This will give you your pyramid. Leave a one inch hole near the base so you can add your rice.


Before you start sewing, insert the comb where you want it near the top of one of the seams near the point of your pyramid. Make sure it is positioned so it is on the outside once you turn the pyramid right-side out again. Remember - it is inside out when you are sewing it!


Turn your chicken right-side out again so it is no longer inside out. You should have neat seams on the outside now.


Use a flat side as a face. I just sewed the wattle and beak straight on to the fabric.


Fill with rice, and sew up the hole. I used a big fat funnel so I didn't spill any rice.


Stick the eyes on with glue.






Voila! One doorstopping chicken. And you can reuse the templates. Which is why everyone in my family is getting a chicken doorstop from me this Christmas!


Anna x


*Or, if you can visualise it, create a 'big triangle' made up of four of the smaller triangles, and then pull the corners of these up, so you have less sewing to do along the seams.

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As it is an old post, I think the link to the original picture must have broken.

This was my doorstop, with instructions!



It is a very simple pattern, basically two rectangles of fabric with some s"Ooops, word censored!"s of felt for the comb and beak. You can make it as small or large as you want, I think my rectangles were 7" x 9".



Position your beak, comb and wattles as shown, between the two pieces of fabric, right sides together. Stitch around three sides, either leave a gap for turning or insert a zip on the left side seam. Snip the corners.



This is the difficult bit to explain! Open up the unstitched side and bring the already stitched seams together. This creates the triangular shape. Stitch. Turn right side out and fill! I used cheap value rice from tesco. the one in the picture was hand stitched as a kind of test run model, but it is still going strong as a doorstop!


And while I was doing this, Chickychickychicken has also posted! :lol: Oh well :lol:

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Hi Snowy

Thank you so much for posting the instructions for this as I bought a doorstop just like thia at craft fair a couple of years ago but couldn't figure out how to do it! They sell them at www.refab.co.uk but are too expensive (nice fabric) -so I have now made 6 in just over an hour! I still ave to fill them when I get some cheap rice but they look really good :D



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I'm making a chicken version of the dangly felt turtles but I'm not a sewer. I'm sure all this is very simple for you sewers but I think I'll have to get my mum to show me! :lol:

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This is the difficult bit to explain! Open up the unstitched side and bring the already stitched seams together. This creates the triangular shape. Stitch. Turn right side out and fill! ....


I just wondered if somebody could explain this more simply as I don't understand :oops:


thank you :D

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