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poly tunnels for a pound

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thanks for the that catscube

i have only just got around to going and bought some today, theyare much better than the ones i spent £8.99 on at my local garden centre, they didnt have any netting left but i did get some willow pyramid supports. they also had loads of great bits for my easter egg hunt. :D

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Couldn't get to my pound land but I did find 5m poly tunnels in Lidl's yesterday for £3.49 each. Not sure if they will protect from frost as they have plastic sheeting over them with holes in, it says on the box that they protect against birds, so I think they will still be very useful.

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i put on in last week just so see how long it would last - about 12 hrs before it blew away (before the storms) i intend to fold the ends in to keep the heat in and peg/weigh it down and join two together so they are longer.

for 99p if they rip i will not be that worried i will just replace the plastic.

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