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The Fake Trade

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I have just been watching this programme and am totally shocked :shock:


Its all about things that are faked and then sold on - the biggest market for this being China. Most of the prodcts are handbags, watches, shoes etc


In China they produce fake eggs using chemicals which can cause all sorts of nasty diseases as its cheaper than keeping chickens! :shock:


What a mad world we live in!

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Hi everyone! I'm back from sunny Thailand & let's just say I have a fair few designer handbags, watches & jewellery! :wink:

Lovely Chloe bags, Dior, Mulberry, Versace, Louis Vuitton.

Fabulous Chanel & Juicy Couture Jewellery as well as Silver Tiffany jewellery ( a good lot of).

Louis Vuitton shoes, hubby got a fake ipod nano & I got a thing for my DS lite that has nearly 500 games on!!!

So what if they are fakes? They give me great pleasure!



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I saw that & yes it's very sad.... But I have to say that there is bad in every country, when you go looking for it.

I still like my handbags & jewellery. Come on, own up - who else owns fakes? You are not really going to pay £600 for a real Chloe bag compared to £50 for a fake are you?

I once bought a load of copy perfume in this country - when I worked in the offices of a fire engine company. The person selling it got done & did time. In my eyes, I thought that was unfair. What real harm had he done...he gave a lot of women nice affordable good copy perfume & pleasure from owning it.

I know a lot of people aren't going to agree with me here, but I have to have my opinion - as that's what a forum is for.



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Personally, the way I see it, and don't get me wrong I'm not trying to start a war or condemn anyone, but I don't need either designer or fake stuff... Designer clothes/bags/shoes are way too expensive in my views, I'd rather use my money on other things, and fakes... well they're fakes... I don't see the point of them, you can get reasonably pretty clothes and accessories from high street shops...


I'm sure my shopping habits are not always ethical, mostly cause I'm unaware of some things, but I have started reading up on things and doing more active research.

Craftyhunnypie, of course there is bad in every country, but the point is, knowing it's everywhere doesn't mean one has to accept it once one knows about it. If a person buys fake goods knowing the plight of some of the workers involved in their production, doesn't make them directly responsible of course for the wrongs there, but at the same time it is hard, once you know about it, to just ignore it... If people who become aware of it stop buying those things, the demand for them would be less... whether people like that little girl sold by her mother would have a better life, is still doubtful... if her mother can sell her to a fake factory, I'm sure she wouldn't hesitate to sell her to anything...


By the way I admit I didn't see the program, only reading this thread and responding to what I understand from it... so sorry if I got the wrong end of the stick in any way :)

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I agree Ziggy - I don't feel the need to own designer items and if I did, then I'd rather go without than buy fakes.


The harm is done to the workers who are exploited to make them and also the the Company which is losing revenue when their styles are copied.

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I have very little designer stuff, I simply don't need it and to be quite honest my personal reaction is to be entirely gobsmacked by anyone who chooses to spend ridiculous sums of money on items such as handbags.......I tend to think that flashing the labels looks pretentious :shock: I am sorry, as I say only my opinion.


In the very few items of clothing I have that could be in any way described as designer (and I'm not talking big names here, a few diffusion lines, but no Chloe, Gucci etc) they were bought for the cut, quality and durability.........and you simply don't get that with fakes, so why bother buying them :?


The only fake thing that I wear regularly is my tanning lotion :wink:


But I am guilty of wearing cheap clothing lines from high street chains, and of course there are a lot of dubious ethics associated with the production of cheap clothing anywhere, whether it be fake Chanel or genuine Primark :( .

I'm trying to be more aware in my shopping choices these days.

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I'm not a designer label person.


Nor do I buy fakes....they are almost always made in third world countries by exploited people.


Ditto from me. I really don't understand the mentality of people buying

fakes. A genuine Rolex watch is a beautifully (depending on your taste)

designed, precision crafted item which should last a lifetime. What is the

point of buying a cheap tatty fake, which will probably give up the ghost

after a couple of years. I feel the same way about fake boobs, nails

and hair extensions :roll: presumably women do it to attract men, but

what happens when they snare the man and he finds out it's all a sham?

tsk tsk :shock:



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I also wouldn't buy anything fake. I have bought 'designer' labels in the past but only because I needed ultra smart and durable work suits, so they were worth the money (don't ask me what they were though - haven't a clue :? ) I have also been known to buy the odd luxury designer item. In that case it has been a real treat and pleasure to use it. Everything I buy these days has to be based on how well it fits, is it worth the money and will it last! I've never bought anything for the name :D


One year my step daughter sent the boys a bunch of pirated DVDs for Christmas. I politely explained my views and she took them back (she had to give them to someone else though) but I know she no longer buys them even for herself. Bless her - she took it very well, even though I felt quite mean. She later thanked me for being honest with her! 8)

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I won't buy fakes either nor will I watch a pirate DVD etc :?



The person selling perfume that went to prison may have caused alot of harm as the ingredients in fake scent are notorious for damaging people :shock:


I value my skin and eyesight and anyway why do people want to smell different most perfume makes me gag :lol:

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I like good quality clothes - and I like different, original things. What I do is either go to a discount outlet and get the genuine article for a fraction of the price, or... make them myself! it's dead easy to customise a T-shirt with a bit of fancy material, sequins, beads or whatever...


When I get the opportunity to go to London I buy small bits of expensive fancy fabrics and use it to decorate simple clothes I normally buy in Tesco :oops: (yes, I know, it's not my preferred place for shopping but it has great value cotton T-shirts and "Ooops, word censored!"ody looks at me upside down when I ask for a size larger than 12!!!) [/size] actually an 18.


All my handknitted stuff except one is made by yours truly (the one being a lovely Moschino shawl a friend got me for my birthday). I don't do patterns, just make it up on my head - now I've started to take notes, saves me reworking stitches again and again.


I often get comments about how original (read weird :roll: ) my clothes are, and people (usually the 'posh' women at the school run) asking where I got them from... (now almost directly from the sheep as I'm also learning to spin!) :)


All these things take time, but it's relaxing and fun.

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What I do is either go to a discount outlet and get the genuine article for a fraction of the price, or... make them myself! it's dead easy to customise a T-shirt with a bit of fancy material, sequins, beads or whatever...



Great ideas!!

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I guess I'm not flavour of the month on the forum at the moment! :?


I like my fakes - they do not look cheap - they are actually very very good quality, with good stitching, design and finishing!

My Louis Vuiton bag I bought in Goa - was mistaken for the genuine article at the Louis Vuitton shop in Salzburg! The same bag that I got for £30, was 999 Euros in the Louis vuitton shop. My Radley bag from Goa is also fantastic quality.

I know for a fact, that I am not the only person who buys fakes! There are a lot of people on this forum!


I like what I like!



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My Louis Vuiton bag I bought in Goa - was mistaken for the genuine article at the Louis Vuitton shop in Salzburg! The same bag that I got for £30, was 999 Euros in the Louis vuitton shop. My Radley bag from Goa is also fantastic quality.


Am I right in thinking that someone on the programme said the fakes really started flooding the market when production of the original product was switched to China/Far East? Maybe your fakes aren't quite as fake as you think Emma :wink:


Personally I wouldn't buy designer stuff anyway, I don't advertise for anyone, or patronise brands who give freebies to celebrities :evil: but each to his own when spending their hard earned cash :D

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