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flour babies

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Have any of you had daughters who have taken part in this rather odd activity as part of their PSHCE lessons?. My ED is in yr 9 at an all girls grammar and her friends at the couple of local mixed comps don't do this. Do you think it is a case of an all girls school being worries that without boy contact the girls are more vunerable?


ED and her friends have had to use a 1.5kg bag of flour and made limbs and head for it then dressed it in baby clothes and take it to and from school and to all activities for one week. I find the whole thing a bit creepy, but then again I don't like dolls. I am glad she goes to school on a school bus rather than a service bus or I dread to think what people would make of her :roll:

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Our school has had the battery ones too, though not seen it for a while...


Considering my eldest daughter was very nearly 10 when we had our last baby, I don't think she needs to carry a battery one or a flour one around... we've got the real thing!!


Didnt' the school explain the aims of the flour babies? I know the battery ones cry, and need regular 'feeding', 'changing' and so on (from what I understand all done by inserting the right card in a slot in the baby's back), but what would a flour one do, except be bulky and weird to carry around?

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My niece had to do this when she was about ten, but my daughter didn't (both girls are sixteen now.)

My niece really enjoyed the task, she and her friends competed to see who could produce the most attractive flour baby, and who's baby was in the best condition at the end of it :lol:


Fortunatly the electronic doll my daughter was due to bring home this year was broken by another girl, So I did not have to suffer a weekend of a screaming doll.

I have always hated those crying dolls they make for the kids, you know the ones where if you lose the dummy you can't shut the darn thing up?

I always removed the batteries at the first opportunity and told my daughter it was broke :twisted:

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We used to have the electronic ones at my last school. They cost thousands and there is nothing so sobering to a streetwise teenager as being kept up all night by the baby! ....Then again I have also seen one get broken by a BESD kid who had punched it so hard that he left a hand print in the rubber of the Torso - he is almost certainly a dad by now!! I guess the flour babies are a cheap alternative - if all goes well do you get to make a bumper batch of biscuits att he end?

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love the comment Richard very funny :lol:


ED did say that when they do their PHSCE lesson on Friday which is the end of the topic, they should all turn up with biscuits and cakes instead.


The baby needed serious surgery last night, it's head had come off and one arm too, she felt that this would not reflect well on her by Friday :lol:


She has found that quite a few of the boys from DS's boys grammar with whom they share a bus have been chatting her up this week, they have obviously been waiting for an ice breaker either that or they are all soppy about babies :roll:


I will try to remember to take a photo tonight, the baby is wearing one of the babygrows that we had kept for old times sake. We went into the loft looking for clothes and I was amazed how many baby clothes we still had, it brought back a few memories :( and seeing ED with a baby has been quite odd :shock:

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I wonder what they'll want to be when they grow up? Many flour babies have gone on to have successful musical careers.


Hovis Redding sang Sitting on the Rock Cake of the Bay;

Burt Bakery wrote Walk on Pie;

Bread had some hits;

Cakey Melua (who's been working with Mike Battenburg);

and so on.




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