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Ms Tilytinkle

Subdued. .its t t T T TOO TOODAAAAAYY . that'll be soon then

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Good Morning All,


Oooh too soon . .i dont feel excited now just oh no, ... hmmm its a bit late now to not want them & wonder why did we order them!!!


Well, soon - now . . has finally arrived & after many ruffled feathers ( mine ) OMLET deliver cube & chooks first call this morning. whilst cube is being set up I am driving over to other breeder to get my 3 other ones, not sure what they are but i like surprises !!

Hubby was going to try to be home for them coming , more for me then him - but ha cant get time off work.


Oh dear best go & get dressed incase driver lands early.



Many supporting prayers welcomed :)


Ms Tilysubduedcontemplatingchooksarrival




:shock::shock::shock:PP(white chicken)PP(Bluebelle)PPGNR(cube green):shock::shock::shock::pray:

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I can't believe you are subdued, Mrs Tilyyouwillneverregrethavingchickens! Yes it's a bit scary when the Omlet van drives away and you realise you are now responsible for them - but they will be fine.


I was completely new to chickens when mine arrived last year, I've been lucky and haven't had to deal with any illnesses, but remember if you do have any problems, you can get the answers on here! Chickens are the easiest pet I've ever looked after, I wish I could convince more people of this.


Can't wait to see some pictures of your new ladies and their names - we demand full disclosure on here!

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:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DPPPPPP(Bluebelle)(Bluebelle)(white chicken)(cube green)




Aaaaaw they\re gorgeous, i held 2 of them, and all had one wing clipped

have soo much to write but have to get back outside . .building a perch for them :)



They're soo funny .. .. have named mine . .but will have to wait til daughter comes home & chooses which ones she wants



Hubby come home, moaning already that cube isnt where he wanted it . .. but garden too uneven to have it where he wants it . .so will try to move it a little . ..

hmmmmm garden proud - ha he's wasting his time once these lot cut loose!!!



Ms TilymakingaperchwillMsTilyeverstopwachingthem

Ms Tilysaysthankyouforallyourencouragement xxx :D

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Tee hee, we were out there til dark, fascinating creatures so funny to watch, one of them seems to have a little dance then she puts her head between her wings & disappears!!!!!!


Going to try to suss out cube today, just finished work now going to put a little hemcore etc in trays & nesting area & figure out how to add the citranwhatsitcalled to cleans & improve smell!!! ( antibacterial qualities i think as well as vitamins for chooks )


Thanks for all assistance :)


Ms Tilyneedsrubbergloves





(Bluebelle) AGNUS PP ETHEL


(white chicken) BODICEA (Bluebelle) CORDELIA


:shock:(cube green)

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