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Extra special treats POLL

Are you giving your chooks an extra special treat to make up for the bad weather they have had to put up with today?  

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  1. 1. Are you giving your chooks an extra special treat to make up for the bad weather they have had to put up with today?

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Nope! They were (nearly) in bed when I got in anyway. They did have some left-over cabbage and peas this morning before I went to work but they'd have got that anyway.


Hurrah - as soon as this vile weather stops, it will be light enough for me to see them in the evenings when I get home! More free-ranging for them, more gardening for me!

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Yes, our first time for treats....tried porridge and some sweetcorn, also tried sweetcorn on its own. All was welcome so a successful first try :D:D:D:D

Have a greedy little one, Flower, who is always first to come and try! Still, I managed to get a sneaky cuddle in. :dance: I'm storing up on my treat list ready for next weekend when I let them out for the first time. :wink:

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Funny you should say that. I worry that they get bored when they have to stay in the run so we bought them a peck-a-bell and hung it in the run today. As you can see, they are totally enthralled by it! :P


Mind you, having said that, there were meal worms on the floor! :lol:



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I let my girls free range for an hour when I get in from work. I use sweetcorn to get them to come to me, and away from what ever it is I don't want them by. Much more effective than shooing them. I gave them oats and raisins softened with hot water tonight. I read that the slow release of carbohydrate would help sustain them through the cold night. They don't seem fussed on grapes but love the dandelion leaves I pick for them. I keep meaning to try them with cottage cheese, I read that chickens like it. I've got some sprout leaves to give them in the morning. Such spoilt chickens!

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the peck a bell wotsit thingy majig is proving very popular today, I'd highly recommend it. It's just a wild bird one and it's very funny to watch them trying to peck bits off, almost doing a 360 degree head turn to follow it as it spins :lol:

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