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Keanie Bean

Do you pit rok?

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My husband and I both discovered Pit Rok last July, I found it left me a bit smelly so went back to plain roll on ( of which I'm not proud), but hubby still uses his and its not even half used up. I was just wondering if any one else uses it and what your experiences with it are.



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I got my 9 year old daughter using it for a while but she wanted scented things like her sister so we are still battling over it. It seemed to work reasonably well for her and I have had a go a couple of times and it has been fine, but I don't think it would work in any situation where you were likely to perspire a lot

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I have been using an organic, no parabens, perfume, alcohol or aluminium roll on deodorant from "Greenpeople" for 3 weeks.


I work in a hot, sweaty kitchen for 7 hours a day and am pleased to say I am not at all sweaty or smelly. The deodorant has a lovely Rosemary scent. One minus point I have found though is that the deodorant stings for a few minutes in the morning if I have shaved my armpits the night before.


Chickencam I found a website which sells deodorants and toiletries for young people. I need to order some things for my Daughter. I will go and find the site in a mo. If I do it now I will lose this message as I am not very good with computers :roll:

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I have been using an organic, no parabens, perfume, alcohol or aluminium roll on deodorant from "Greenpeople" for 3 weeks.


We've been using the men's version from Greenpeople for a week now! We used PitRok previously but found that recently it seemed to have stopped working as well as it had been :(


One minus point I have found though is that the deodorant stings for a few minutes in the morning if I have shaved my armpits the night before.


We have noticed the same and we don't shave our armpits :wink: The one we've got contains mint so I think that's what makes it feel cool/sting. Sometimes it actually feels quite...ummm....wet! Closer inspection reveals that it's all dry so it must be one of those odd sensations! It only lasts a few minutes though...



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I have found crystal deo fine but am lucky not to be particularly sweaty in first place - not sure how well it would work for someone who is.


Intrigued by your suggestion of bicarb of soda AJDuff, I find bicarb has a million and one uses, it truely is amazing - will need to give it a go as you suggest.

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I'm quite a sweaty person and haven't tried the crystal deo as I hadn't heard good reports of them. Have tried the green people one which I like the days I'm not at work- you still sweat but it doesn't smell too bad... ok for a day at home but not wet armpits and risk of smell not acceptable at work!!

It may be a silly question but how do you use the soda bic?? do you make a paste or rub it on dry...?

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