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Rolo Rabbit

Oh what a beautiful morning...

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This is the first morning since we got our girls that I've been out in the garden at 7 and then had a little potter round to see how my plants are doing. It was just soooo lovely to be outside. The sun was shining, the birds were tweeting and our dear little chooks were clucking happily while noshing on their pellets. Bloomin' chilly but reminded me of how much I love spring. A good day to be alive. Hope the weather is equally good where you are. :D

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only 1 degree here this morning, soon warmed up when the sun came out, but the wind is icy. It's clouding over now, and the foreecast for Norfolk for the weekend is snow, snow and more snow :D:D:D8)


Jules, watch out for the periwinkle - it's very invasive. I planted some 10 years ago and am still trying to pull it out :shock::?

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