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Poaching pods back in stock!

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Why would you need one, if youa re using your own ultra fresh eggs?


Pods are only needed when the egg is a bit older, as the "Ooops, word censored!"e spreads out all over the palce when the eggs are more than a few days old.


With really fresh eggs you can just crack them into fast simmering water - the white will wrap itself around the yolk in a neat little package.

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I've been getting fab results with Delia's How to Cook technique - break fresh eggs into a pan with about 5cm water in that is just starting to boil, leave on the heat for exactly 1 min, then turn off heat (take pan off heat if the ring keeps its heat) and leave for 10 minutes. Works really well.



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also bought the egg timer thingy to boil an egg coz i'm rubbish at soft boiled eggs!


Now that is a fab gadget - beats the Delia method for me every time. I was only thinking the other day as I got it out of the drawer how bereft I would be if I lost it, then promptly dropped it on the slate floor where it broke into 2 pieces :( No more reliably goggy eggs for us until I can get hold of a new one!



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  WitchHazel said:

With really fresh eggs you can just crack them into fast simmering water - the white will wrap itself around the yolk in a neat little package.


You'll have to teach me then Hazel- I just end up with a round ball of yolk attached to a white stringy thing :shock:


I keep trying but just cant get it (cooking-numpty that I am).

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I use this Delia method


water just deep enough to cover an egg, barely simmering only tiny bubbles rising


crack egg in check water is covering the top then leave to poach gently for a few minutes you can tell if they are cooked by lifting them gently with a spoon.


You can poach multiple eggs in the same shallow pan - I use a frying pan


My son has a poached egg for breakfast every day it's so easy this way :D

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