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Kop boy

Tesco, Lowestoft are annoying

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Sometimes, when we are out shopping, my parents treat us to a breakfast. Last Saturday, we visited the cafe at Tescos in Lowestoft. They served me my breakfast on a tiny plastic tray. My Mum pointed out that I was 11 and asked if I could have a plate. the lady refused and said that it was company policy. My dad then said that the Yarmouth Tesco did not have this policy but the lady still wouldn't give me a plate. My breakfast didn't even fit into the main meal section of the tray and it looked all messy and I felt embarrased.


Won't be going there again.

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It was ridiculous as the food was spread out all over the tray and looked so unappetising. I can understand why he felt embarrased. There were other children in the cafe who seemed uncomfortable using the trays. I have advised him to write a letter of complaint to the manager.

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I would be annoyed too KopBoy :x


Plastic trays are for children under about 5 years of age not 11 year olds for goodness sake :roll:


Dont take it to heart, as suggested write to the management and bring it to their attention so hopefully another 11 year old wont feel like you did today.

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I agree Kop Boy, a letter to the manager is in order here.


You shouldnt be made to feel uncorfortable in any situation, and you even asked for a proper plate.


if you get no joy with the manager, find the name of "God of Tesco" and complain to him, or bypass the little manager, and go straight for the SuperBoss.


good luck




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That's awful. If you ask for a plate, they should give you a plate, aside from the fact they should have given you one to start with.


Growing lads need more food than most adults. My nephews came here to stay for a week when they were 10 and 13. I bought 2 x a normal weeks' worth of food and they got through it ALL in 4 days!!

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I am a Liverpol fan. My Mum used to live near Anfield when she was my age and went to lots of matches with my Grandad. I have been to a few matches when we have visited family in Liverpool.


If Mum ever lets me have a Rhode Island red, I wll name it Torres or Riise.

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