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I went chookie shopping &......

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I visited Wernlas at Onnibury yesterday - whilst away on our mini Easter break. I looked round & I saw the chicks...asked a few questions & guess what chooks I ordered?.....
















..... a gold legbar

& a gold laced Wyandotte!!!!!!!! They are hatched & I can collect them in 4 - 6 weeks!!!! :D:D:D

I also bought some eggs for the incubator & they have gone in tonight...So 21 days to wait unti I get......



Buff Wyandottes

Partridge Cochins!!! :D:D:D



Why am I wanting so may chooks & hatching allsorts you might ask????

Because any cockerels, my sister wants for breeding pairs .

But the best bit is...my hubby has gone chicken mad this weekend - he has got the bug & wants more chooks! :shock: He is going to cut down a lot of trees around our house (that we call our woods) & make a free range enclosure. He has said that we would have to have wooden arks temporarily, which will be replaced with eglus & cubes eventually...reckon we csan fit 3 - 4 arks / coops in the area he's on about & the chooks will have loads of room for free ranging!!!! Woooohoooo!

Very excited! Can't wait to get my Wernlas pullets & can't wait for my chicks to hatch & can't wait for my new enclosure!



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Emma we nearly saw you there!


We live about 40mins away and were going to go on Sunday - but that hill the chooks are on is merciless in bad weather, we went there last summer on an awful day and came away frozen :lol:


Sounds like you've picked some lovely chooks though :D


Did you tell her you had an eglu /cube? They seemed a little 'off' about them when we mentioned our cube's imminent arrival :?



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Congratulations Emma and well done OH!!! 8)


Mine wasn't too keen on the original hens at first but came round to the idea.


When we lost Babs, HE suggested getting more chickens :D:D

(I had already secretly planned them anyway :wink::wink: )


Looks like you are going to have loads wandering around your garden, eating all the frogs :anxious::wink:


Good luck with it all :D

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I know, I'm really excited - the trees we cut down are half dead anyway - big conifers. The others we are leaving in for them to shelter under. We will cut any low branches that stick out. Got a lot of clearing to do, as when we had our back garden decked - there was a lot a spare soil that just got piled in ' the woods' & loads of leaves...Will have to watch out for any hedgehogs!!!!

No I didn't mention Omlet or eglus or cubes...I kept my trap shut for once!

The man is very very knowledgeable there - he knows loads.

I'm about to look round for a few coops on the tinternet shortly...I'd really like a few different coloured eglus...but I'll buy them as I go along.


The eggs are in the brinsea Rcom20 incubator in the front bedroom- I thought that incubator might be better as it's fully automatic & easy to use. My sister is using the other incubator for her friesian fowl, Buff Orpingtons & some of her own hybrid eggs.

Fingers crossed I get some chicks, as there is no guarantee that any are fertile! Got to think where to set up the brooder & heat lamp.

Think we have got a busy weekend this weekend, making our enclosure!!! :D


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