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Daughter's long blonde hair

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Hi all,

My daughter is 8 years old and has long, light blonde hair which is down to her bum. :D


The problem we are having is that her hair tangles very easily and breaks when it is brushed.


About 5 minutes after brushing it it just looks tangled again. We have tried so many different shampoo's, conditioners, home made conditioning treatments etc but her hair is still quite dry.


Should I stop washing it all together?? Because she is so young she shouldn't have a problem with it turning greasy etc so might this be a long term solution?


I am also looking at getting her a natural bristle brush but have no idea what one to get :? We currently use a denman brush which is supposed to not break hair or cause split ends but it still does. :roll:


She wants to keep her long hair so now we just need to work out how to keep it in tip top shape.

Any help appreciated :D


Thank you :)

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I am also looking at getting her a natural bristle brush but have no idea what one to get :? We currently use a denman brush which is supposed to not break hair or cause split ends but it still does. :roll:


I use a Mason Pearson natural bristle brush and i love it. :D


I will warn you they are VERY expensive however i have had mine for over 5 years and its still in good condition so it works out really well on cost overall.


Also how often does your daughters hair get trimmed/cut?

I had very long blonde hair as a child too and keeping it trimmed every 6 weeks or so really helped :D

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I had a Mason Pearson brush for my daughters very long jet black hair.


It glided through it so easily. No tugging snagging.


I was devastated when we left it behind at the swimming baths. Needless to say, no-one handed it in.:?


Had to take out a second mortgage to buy a replacement. Well worth it though.

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Some hair is just like that, isn't it. My hair has been long for most of my life and it tangles as soon as it is brushed. The trouble with mine is that it is also extremely curly and so f I have it cut short I look like some sort of throw back to Crystal tips and Alistair.

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My daughter kept her very long hair plaited nearly all the time - loose on special occasions. The hairdressers always commented on its very good condition and I think this is why.


She wouldn't go to sleepovers unless there was someone who could plait her hair for her before sleeping! :lol::lol: I was amazed at how many mothers didn't feel capable. :shock:

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We both use hair oil on our hair - at the moment it is coconut oil with Jasmine. Or we by solid coconut oil (from the chemist) & use that as a hair wax on the ends of the hair & rub into the roots. It's fabulous stuff hair oil. I put my hair up in a plait or pony tail & use hair oil to hold any stray hairs in place & put some on the ends too.

If my hair is down, I rub a little between my hands / fingertips & then massage into the scalp & along the length of the hair.

We bought a lot of fragranced hair oils on holiday, but you can also buy them from Afro Caribean Hairdressers / supermarket shops....some wig shops / hair extension places also sell hair oils.


Also Boots do a spray coconut leave in conditioner - their own make (white liquid in a pump spray bottle)..their own make which is good.



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My eldest has long fine straight hair that often tangles.

I bought a fab brush from The Body Shop - its a paddle brush for long hair & it really does the trick.

Frizz ease is also great, even if her hair isn't frizzy, as it coats it in a protective serum. My girl uses their Straightening Potion,which is very good.

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I've always had really fine hair that tangles and splits very easily. :evil: I found the pantene ice shine conditioner worked quite well although I was only able to use it for intermittent bouts as it got too heavey for my hair. My middle daughters hair is also like mine and I have found not washing her hair with anything but water has worked really well although it was a daunting thought at first.



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Forgot to say, it's definitely worth trying washing her hair with water only - will take years to grow down healthy to the ends, but it would prevent it from getting more dry. :)


Or you could use diluted lemon juice from roots to ends, just leaving a few minutes. It doesn't dry the hair as you'd expect, but the acid in it leaves it feeling smooth. Obviously rinse well though. It can help maintain the colour and shine too. :)

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Thanks for all of the replies and tips :D


We ended up getting the Tangle Teezer as it's more within our budget at the mo and it is fantastic!! :dance:

Glides through her hair, detangling it without her crying and moaning that it is pulling. Very pleased that we have it :D


Have also decided to stop washing her hair with shampoo and conditioner. If it needs freshening we are going to use water or maybe a vinegar rinse, we'll just see how it goes for a few months.


Next purchase will be the M & P brush :)

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I'm pleased your giving the no poo thing a go. I'm still there too, I washed it yesterday after 5 days without and couldnt do a thing with it. My little girls hair is so much better without washing, you may find you dnot need any other products at all. Let us know how you get on.



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Just a quick update...... :D


It has now been 12 weeks since I last washed DD's hair and so far so good.


It is looking healthier and sleeker. It does not seem to tangle so easily and we have no regrets. :D


When she is in the bath we just give it a good rinse with clean water and give her scalp a good rub so that it is clean and free from garden dirt and grit :roll::lol:


So, we will not be washing it in the near future and just see what happens.


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My daughter has very long thick hair. She has it trimmed every 8 weeks or so and uses a body shop brush that works exceptionally well. Her hairdresser told her to start brushing her hair from the bottom so that any tangles are not taken through the whole strand of hair. A year last August she stopped washing it altogether and it has never looked better. It is shiny and hangs beautifully. Chlorine just washes out with water and tangles are no more. :D I think you will find the no shampoo very rewarding.

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It's interesting you found the Tangle Teezer worked because I was very disappointed in it. I use Organic Children shampoo and conditioner and everyone comments on how lovely her hair is. It honestly feels like silk. Mind you she's not quite 4 and it's only half way down her back but then she's only every had a proper cut twice and it doesn't seem to have suffered.

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My daughter & I have rediculously thick hair - mine is endorsed with psorasis too. My daughter is blonde & I am dark. Our winning combination thankfully for the psorasis & tangle issue is Hair Remedy -Drench both shampoo & conditioner - only about £1 per bottle. THen a good helping of serum - I find the best & also the cheapest is by Schwars...sp? (can't find the container but it is in a pink toothpaste shape container with a pump lid!). We couldn't function without serum!


My tangling issue was worse when I was using the coletar sp? shampoos for my psorasis. It absolutely wrecked my hair making it drier & co"Ooops, word censored!"r than it already is - it also dried out my scalp making it more itchy....



Good luck with your quest.


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Hils78 - OH has psoriasis too, and he uses Polytar, but not too often. For the itching try rinsing with an infusion of rosemary and water. The rosemary is supposed to soothe itchy scalps.

As for long hair, I use a bamboo detangler with long and short bristles - I don't seem to suffer with as much static as the other brushes. I think it is made by Babylis. I also plait mine because who wants to see an old lady with loose tresses. My hair looks too awful when it is short - very willful, so it is tamed by turning it into a rope!

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