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Muppet of the week - Anton Du Beke

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He's a professional ballroom dancer with a wry sense of humour. He always gets given the more mature celebrity to dance with.


I always thought I'd like to meet him - now of course I can't as I know he would want to shoot me. :oops::(

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I have added a link to the article in the first post above.


It really strikes me as a very silly thing to say,even if it is in jest (& I don't think it was :roll: )

As a good number of his fans are going to be ladies of a certain age, & a fair few of those may also be ladies of a certain size,he has really shot himself in the dancing foot with this one :?:roll:

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The title is also two bits of what he 'supposedly' said cobbled together anyway so I wouldnt put anything past them.


I also didn't read it as he actually meant they should physically be slapped. Surely at least one other person on here has discovered something someone else has done wrong and muttered to themselve 'oh I'll kill them'. Doesn't mean that they would actually go out and commit murder its a turn of phrase.

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Thing is,it is a full page interview & they have used that quote as the header.

That would be a pretty big porky to tell,don't you think?


You would think wouldn't you. The Daily Mail are poo disturbers of the worst kind, and quite frankly I would take anything they print with a huge pinch of salt. I'm sure we have all seen 'celebs' talking about the terrible lies that have been printed about them in the papers.



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IMHO that makes him all the more of a muppet for saying it.

For someone in the public eye to say that all fat people should be shot in a newspaper interview is honestly one of the most stupid things I have ever heard of.

Even if it was said in a light hearted way, he really should have known better


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IMHO that makes him all the more of a muppet for saying it.

For someone in the public eye to say that all fat people should be shot in a newspaper interview is honestly one of the most stupid things I have ever heard of.

Even if it was said in a light hearted way, he really should have known better



I've just read the whole interview. He does sound like a real creep, all that healthy living just makes me want to reach for a bar of chocolate and a large glass of wine :roll: He probably did say it, what an idiot.



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Funny that I've been defending him as I'm one of the few on here who never did like him.


To be honest I never let what people like him who have no impact on my lives and I have no reason to listen say offend me. So what if he thinks that. I bet most people have a few radical opinions.

People pussyfoot around so much being careful they don't offend anyone so it becomes ok for parents to stick burgers through school gates to their kids after people have campaigned tirelssly for their children to have better food because noones got the guts to stand up and say you're wrong, what you are doing is wrong and you shouldnt do it. Its ok to go on about the size 0 industry or people smoking but heavens help anyone who has a strong opnion about people being fat which is also a huge killer.

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