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:D:D:D 3 new gingernut rangers are due to arrive on Friday, Saffy will have some friends at last, I wanted ex bats really but Saffy is now recovered from the fox attack & I don't suppose she would be happy to wait until June for some chook company
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:D I'll be making the most of my recovery time now that I am up & about more, the ankle hurts if I stand for too long so I have booked some annual leave & won't be going BTW until 14th April. I'm having the leg brace fitted on the 7th so that will be interesting.


My neighbour cuts the lawns for me & he has agreed to finish my raised beds this week so I can plant out my peas & beans that have been started off in the poly tunnel, I've got some shallotts and horse radish to go out too. the omlet netting will keep the girls away, and I can spend lots of time with them, weather permitting, I was going to stay with my friend in Devon but I'd rather stay at home now & make sure the girls settle in.


The girls won't be free ranging without me standing right there our local foxes are just too scary

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It's great news that poor little Saffy is soon to have a new family :) It is also

great to hear how much you have recovered. I have been following your thread regarding your op. and have watched you change from someone in a lot of pain huddled on the sofa bemoaning all the housework piling up, to someone that is planning to be out in the garden planting veggies and playing with your new chickens :) Long may it continue.



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:oops: Oh dear i sounded like a right moaning minnie, OH didn't sound too good either :evil: he's much happier now I'm up & doing more but I think he knows he upset me, he'll never admit it. the house is still a tip but it's now such a huge task that I cannot contemplate doing it all, so I'm not going to :o OH will have to get used to living in a mess & I won't be at all embarassed when his mates come over because I will be in my garden so won't be looking at it.. I rang omlet just to confirm the girls will be ariving on Friday, my last ex bat girls were with me for so short a time I wondered if it is OK to just keep the same names, I love Ab Fab & I liked the names for chooks, what do you all think?
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I rang omlet just to confirm the girls will be ariving on Friday, my last ex bat girls were with me for so short a time I wondered if it is OK to just keep the same names, I love Ab Fab & I liked the names for chooks, what do you all think?


I think it would be fine to use the same names, sort of 'in memory of' the ex batts.



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Is anyone else getting any ex-batts from the North West rescue this friday and if so how excited are you? I seem to remember there were a couple on the forum who were getting some from this rescue. Have you got everything ready for them yet? I think I have, but will probably remember something vital that I need in the early hours of Friday morning (as no doubt I will be lying awake like a little child on Christmas Eve). We are getting four but I wish we had asked for 5 or 6. I know some people have come back with a couple more than they were planning. Does anyone know whether there are likely to be some 'spares' that people have changed their mind about. Sorry about the rambling post but am excited - did I mention that?!


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my 3 girls are here :clap: its poring down so I'll take some pics later, they look so small, Saffy was the little one with the ex bats & was picked on, but she soon put all the new girls in their places, within a few minutes they were all huddling together under the cover & out of the rain, I have 2 lots of grubs & glugs so plenty to go round, OH ran the feeders through the dishwasher & filled them up yesterday - he's getting the hang of it.


New girls look very diferent to my original gingernut ranger & much more like Warrens, maybe they are VERY young I'll give omlet a ring to find out. They all seem very friendly & inquisitive so should be fun. Saffy was bok boking away so I think she's happy.

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my 3 girls are here :clap: its poring down so I'll take some pics later, they look so small, Saffy was the little one with the ex bats & was picked on, but she soon put all the new girls in their places, within a few minutes they were all huddling together under the cover & out of the rain, I have 2 lots of grubs & glugs so plenty to go round, OH ran the feeders through the dishwasher & filled them up yesterday - he's getting the hang of it.


New girls look very diferent to my original gingernut ranger & much more like Warrens, maybe they are VERY young I'll give omlet a ring to find out. They all seem very friendly & inquisitive so should be fun. Saffy was bok boking away so I think she's happy.



Wonderful news welcome to your new girls and so glad Saffy is happy

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:D:D:D I had to go out & look at them again of course, Saffy is doing a good job as top hen, no real bullying just the odd peck now & then, she has been guarding the feeders but not stopping them feeding, they all seem to be getting along so far. I got very wet & my posh boot is now all soggy & drying in front of the fire. The showers are getting my veg garden off to a flying start, OH will need to get his hands dirty tomorrow & help move the rest of the veg out of the poly tunnel, I have 2 beds left empty :D The ankle lets me know when I've done enough, shame I dont get around to cleaning the kitchen floor :wink:
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