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What would you do with noisy neighbours?

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Hi everybody!


Our neighbours recently (few months ago) moved in when the flat was sold to another owner. These people are just renting (most likely without the council knowing about that), we believe.


They tend to play loud music till late and I and hubby can not sleep. At one occasion they had a huge party (10+ people) till 2am on Thursday! They told us about it in advance (at 6pm the same day :evil: ) which we found very rude, especially that we were not invited :wink: .


Anyway, this night, at 1am we had to get up since we could not sleep and bang on their door. We think that this is terribly antisocial and not sure what to do next.


My plan is to talk to them and at the same time send an email to our housing office, so we have a proof of complaint for future, in case the talk would not help. What do you good people think?

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I don't know what you can do. If you have a management company or housing association try them. There may be rules against distrubing the neighbours ]


I used to live in a flat and had several neighbours downstairs who all worked in the hotels around Heathrow. They would start partying whenever their shifts ended, sometimes starting at 2am and going all night. At the same time the bloke upstairs became a DIY enthusiast and would be drilling, hammering and sawing all day. It really did test my patience and sanity


I was really glad to move out and I really feel sorry for you. I hope you can get it sorted out easily

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I had to complain about noisy neighbours once - I complained to the council.

We couldn't understand why the neighbours had suddenly started partying & revving cars at 3am,until we found out that the couple with 2 teenaged sons had gone on hoilday leaving the boys home alone for the first time.

The council took it very sriously & sent them a warning letter - it never happened again :wink:

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Thanks for these replies!


I just sent an email to inform our housing society that something is happening here. I do not want to make problems to the neighbours (since who knows how noisy are going to be our girls when they will be laying ) so hope that it all will resolve after I speak to them.

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If you phone your local council they have a special section of people who deal with noise pollution. If it is not resolved amicably contact them as they have the powers to confiscate noise making good such as stereos if noise is at an anti social level after 11pm.


I do hope you get it sorted out, somebody elses noise is one of the most intrusive things :evil:



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I really feel for you. We've had this problem since our previous (lovely) neighbours sold their house to their (not-so lovely)son. He has taken in lodgers and their parties usually start around 2 am when they get back from a night club.:evil:


I'm pretty sure we phoned the council but were told to keep a diary and as it's quite irregular we knew we weren't going to get anywhere.


One night was particularly bad so, having found out their phone number, we rang them up at 3 in the morning and yelled down the phone, 'CAN YOU TURN THE MUSIC DOWN PLEASE' 'PARDON I CAN'T HEAR YOU!' 'I'M NOT SURPRISED. TURN IT DOWN!!!!' They instantly turned it down and although the chatter was still noisy, it was just possible to go to sleep. Now they tend to have non - musical parties so we put our ear plugs in and can generally sleep through it.


It does make me mad though that we have to put up with their selfishness.

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I would definitely talk to them first. If you and other neighbours are fairly quiet, they may genuinely not realise how noisy they are being. It's always best if you can try and discuss things calmly - once you've got into an entrenched positions with neighbours, it is very very hard to get back from there.


Keep a diary, certainly your local authority should be able to offer lots of help and advice, and as we've seen from posts on the 'chickens' forum, very often they will send out a letter just on the basis of one complaint, without investigating any further. You might want to check that they are not going to do this BEFORE you've spoken to the neighbours and asked them politely to be a bit quieter, it might get things off on a bad foot if they feel you've already complained.


Sometimes you have to take the formal route, but bear in mind that even if they are tenants, they could be there for some time and you'll be seeing them quite often - that's why I stress the 'keep it informal' route to begin with! Good luck

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We had the same problem with our neighbours dog barking into the small hours of the morning at weekends, keeping us awake. We spoke to the girl and asked her nicely on two or three occasions to keep the dog in the house but it made no difference so we complained to the council. They asked us to keep a record of our disturbed nights for a week and when we sent it in, they agreed that it wasn't acceptable and gave her a warning. Its been much better since so if you are finding it unbearable and talking to them doesn't help, contact your council. Good luck :D .

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I think all you can do is call the council and report it to them or go round and have a quiet word in the ear of the troublesome tenant.


We haven't really had too many problems where we live apart from one odd night where the party was in full swing into the very early hours of the morning.

I'm quite suprised myself how hard I banged on their door and asking them in not too a polite way to turn the music down :oops::lol:


I did speak to the Police on my mobile on my way round to the troublesome house and the guy in the call centre could hear it and I was still 500meters away! - I also found out that people can make as much noise as they want in Gloucester of an evening - Our council does not have any out of hours Officers to deal with noise, and without them the Police are powerless and can only ask them to turn it down too :(


Hope you get it sorted and get a good night's sleep soon!! :D




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