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Nutty chicken owner?

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Every time I get an egg, I weigh it, then write down who laid it and how much it weights. I then write on the calender how many eggs we have had that day. This way I know who has laid and when.


Although my plan is slightly floored as when I cleaned out the poo tray today there were two egg in there!!! Softies so no idea who laid them!


I do like to have this info on my girls, I am starting to know who will be in the nest box.


It keep me happy anyway!


Just wondering if any of you do this, or if I am just a nutty chicken owner?

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BarbaraJ - you will know who's laid what, your amber will lay orangey eggs, your pied suffolk will lay eggs that are ever so slightly pinky and your blacktail will probably lay normal beige eggs that you are used to seeing from the supermarket. (I felt sure you'd have eggs by now, come on chooks, you can do it!) :wink:


Michelle - how many of yours are laying? That must be an all-day job! :shock:

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Michelle - how many of yours are laying? That must be an all-day job! :shock:


12 of mine are laying at the moment -


4 lay white/cream coloured eggs (1 of which is pinky so that one's easy, one is tiny (35-40g) the other 2 are more tricky!) they are the brown leghorns.


2 lay blue eggs (1 is much lighter than the other - so again easy!) they are the cream legbars.


2 lay green/blue eggs (1 is very green the other is more dark duck egg blue - so again easy!) they are the Lavender Arucans.


1 (a white star) lays brown eggs with white freckles.


2 (a white star and a Miss Pepperpot) lay brown eggs with dark brown freckles. One lays larger eggs than the other so know who's is who's!


The other Miss Pepperpot who is laying is laying dark brown egg (almost bronze) with even darker spots all over - very pretty :D .


So that is my clever chooks and there wonderful eggs :D


The other day I was out all day (at the zoo with baby boy) and when I got back there were 10 eggs in the box. I knew each one :roll: ! Normally however if I'm home I go up the garden every half an hour to an hour :oops: !


Gosh I am weird!

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Me, me! I'm an egg anorak! I weigh them and write the date and weight on each one. I record all the weights on a calendar and at the end of each month I enter them all into an excel spreadsheet and note the average weight each one lays, and the largest. I note how many every month and year. :oops: Well, it's interesting! :D

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Just wondering if any of you do this, or if I am just a nutty chicken owner?


I've never heard anything so ridiculous :roll: . What an anorak :roll: .





Starboyhull created a brilliant excel spreadsheet but then disappeared for ages so I copied his (thanks SBH!) and tweaked it slightly. I am happy to email you a blank version but you'd need to pm me your email address.


Edit: I think the link to his spreadsheet no longer works?

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BarbaraJ - you will know who's laid what, your amber will lay orangey eggs, your pied suffolk will lay eggs that are ever so slightly pinky and your blacktail will probably lay normal beige eggs that you are used to seeing from the supermarket. (I felt sure you'd have eggs by now, come on chooks, you can do it!) :wink:


Michelle - how many of yours are laying? That must be an all-day job! :shock:


nope nothing yet lol i thought i'd see something by now :cry: i go out there everyday to check but now i'm expecting not to find anything lol so will be very shocked when i do!

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This is my very simple Egg Log. It's nothing so swish as some of the other ones and I don't have any lovely bar charts or anything, but it does the job for me. I complete it each month to see who is laying well and to count all my eggs. The "S" stands for softie as Treacle, who is usually my best layer, laid 2 in a row. I also use it to note when I've given wormer or medication. The Silkies (Muggle and Squib) have just been added as they may start laying this month, but nothing so far.



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Oh yes please! I want to see pics of all your different shaded blue and green eggs please! 8)


I did not realise that you wanted pics of eggs! I will do one of those as well, when I have a selection of them (i.e a day when they have all laid) I will take a pic.


Those charts are really good, but not sure they have space for 15 chickens? Could they be tweeked?


So glad I'm not the only anorak who's ahppy to be one!



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MedusA that is VERY impressive!! A nice easy way to keep track, you could even add up the potential cost of the eggs laid so far and see how well your chickens are earning their keep!!


Handy for medicines too. I only have 2 chooks at the moment (who are a long way off laying) but will definitely copy your idea when I increase my little flock



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what a relief, I'm not alone - every day I write the date and weight on my eggs as in the beginning they were laying huge eggs every day. Now the have calmed down and lay smaller eggs and less 2 or 3 a day between 5. I know who lays the white eggs which are a bit long and never less than 70gr - but the others are all pretty much the same colour - but I'm still a new chicken mummy so amybe I will start to tell - as I can now tell them apart - they also have new names now as befits their personality.


My DS had called his Fluffy Lee 3600 but this is now Brave chicken as she is always the first to try anything new and indeed was first to come out the cube (took 2 hours) Clucky is now Mingle ?, henny penny is now pesky chicken, you know that chciken that always runs under your legs as your rounding them up sigh.


Susie (chicken mum to my 5 happy ex batts since 28th March)


ps I love MedusA excel sheet thing I will create something similiar - good way to keep track of laying and medication.



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Oh yes please! I want to see pics of all your different shaded blue and green eggs please! 8)


I did not realise that you wanted pics of eggs! I will do one of those as well, when I have a selection of them (i.e a day when they have all laid) I will take a pic.


Yes, we want pics of your egg selection!!

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