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Shooting foxes thread

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This topic has been removed once already from the chickens section.


Pudding Hill, I did pm you to let you know the reasons behind my decision.


You have not read the pm so please do so before you publically question a Moderating decision.


Topics like this create unwanted feeling on the forum and will not be tolerated.


This forum is extremely friendly and many views are expressed openly without malice towards eachother.


If anyone complains about a post made, the topic is immediately moved to the Moderating section and discussed. That is the forum policy.


Anyone wanting to discuss the shooting of foxes, please go to the River cottage forum




Thank you.

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Well done, Christian.


The mods are what keep this forum such a pleasant place to be, and anyone who posts here regularly will support that decision.


We are open to all views, but this is not a place for deliberately antagonising other posters. There are other forums where that seems to be encouraged - this ain't one of them!

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The moderators here have acted more than reasonably in this case, they've been polite, professional and took the trouble to explain why they did what they did.


Moderation is mostly an utterly thankless task, and people *hate* their posts being deleted. However, any forum where there is a friendly community like this one is testament to a skilled moderating team, usually overseeing u"Ooops, word censored!"trusively. I run my own forums so I speak from experience :).



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I'm very sorry if I upset anyone. I'm new to this computer thing. It's just that I have read so much on the Omlet forum about fox attacks - Jenny Simmonds for example. Who was obviously and rightly so upset. Here I am struggling to make a living out of 150 acres of harsh Cotswold brash. I have sheep, pigs, cattle and a few chickens. I saved up for an Omlet Cube and am really pleased with it. But vermin control i.e. rats and foxes is nearly a full time job for me. The stress is great. I have had now 9 lambs eaten by foxes. That equates to nearly £1,000 of my net margin. I still feel guilty when I shoot a vixen. And that is what I needed to discuss. I have an organic farm and do more for the environment etc. than most people do in their lunch breaks. Anyone want to do Bread and Breakfast? I doubt it now.

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Just wanted to add my support and thanks to Christian for acting so promptly on this thread :D .

It's a very controversial topic and one that rightly provokes very strong feelings. Christian did very much the right thing in removing it and preventing such an antagonistic thread from our forum. There are plenty of other fora where such a debate would be welcomed, unfortunately this is not one of them.

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Your apology is appreciated but I think the strength of feeling stems from the fact that the majority of us keep a few chickens as pets in our back gardens, rather than run a smallholding to make a living.


It has already been suggested, and I would agree, that you would find more people willing to discuss your dilemma on the River Cottage forum.



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from another thread...


Jenny - very sorry to hear your news. As I have said somewhere else foxes hate electric fences. All gamekeepers use them to protect pheasant and partridge pens. They are a pain to maintain, but even the most determined fox will not go through one.


maybe you could take your own advice.

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