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AAAAArrrrrghhhhh.... wasteful morning

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I am feeling mad!!! DH just came into the kitchen saying 'by the way it looks like the freezer door was left open and everything has defrosted'....


We have a spare fridge freezer in the utility room, the kids got some ice cream yesterday and the door didn't get properly closed... everything in there is now lost, and the worse bit is that it was for once fully stocked!!!


I am so cross!!! This has happened before, and it drives me mad....


There was a lot of frozen vegetarian stuff in there (quorn products and so on), vegetables, bread, croissants, ice cream and lollies, and chips and other potato products... can anything be saved after defrosting???


Feels like banging my head on the wall... the house is like a factory at the moment, we have been away on several weekends and there are constantly bags being packed and unpacked, and we are having works done too, all this with the usual kids and pets stuff to take care of, and this freezer thing is the little detail that made it all too much...


What is the point of planning and being organised, when there is always something or someone to go wasting all your work, money and effort????


Fuming... off for a cup of tea now, if no one has messed up with the tea bags...


Sorry for blowing up... thought it's better to vent things here than punching the freezer in anger!! (Did punch a wall once and ended with sore wrists and hole in said wall!!)

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There is a way that most of it can be saved. Cook it and then freeze what you can. Eat anything that cant be frozen once cooked and if you have too much veg give some to the chickens. Or you could cook the veg and then blend it to be used in soups or gravys. It will freeze then.


I hope that helps a little, but if it doesnt dancing in the rain sounds like a good choice too. :D

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Tell you what, shall I skip work, come down to yours and we'll eat cake and dance in the rain without any shoes?


Oh that made me laugh... thanks Clare, that was needed :)


I was reading in the other thread that you will be at the Ian and Mollie's rescue on Saturday, we're picking 3 chooks from there, I'll be coming with my daughter (the official chook owner of the house)... I was assuming reading your post that you were helping with the rescue, but not sure if that's the case, or if you're just going to get more chooks too...


If a woman with long dark hair with an 8 year old slim girl with long blond hair frantically waves in your direction on the day with a big grin, it will be me :D (looked at the link to your album in your signature so I can recognise you if I see you)

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:( ....aagghhhhh! :twisted: .....


What a terrible start, I hate it when things like that happen...on top of everything else! Def. have a whole pot of tea. I'll join you, seem to have spent a couple of decades running in quicksand.


As for the freezer; I guess the quorn and vegetables are all salvagable if you spend the day cooking some casseroles to freeze.


Er, you don't have the time for that....except, some batch cooking now would give you lots of "ready meals" at a later date?


It sounds a familiar scene in your house to mine when the children were younger..After the freezer debacle is sorted, it's worth planning how to fit the rest in, and give yourself some catch up time too.


Good luck Ziggy! :)

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There is a way that most of it can be saved. Cook it and then freeze what you can. Eat anything that cant be frozen once cooked and if you have too much veg give some to the chickens. Or you could cook the veg and then blend it to be used in soups or gravys. It will freeze then.


I hope that helps a little, but if it doesnt dancing in the rain sounds like a good choice too. :D


Thanks, I did think of using what I can for today's dinner, but didn't think of giving some to the chooks!!

Spending the whole day cooking doesn't unfortunately fit with my plans for the day, but better do a bit of that, than losing the whole contents of the freezer...

Going now to sort through it and make decisions!!

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Clare - can you come over to mine too - its not raining yet so there is still time.


I need cheering up - if only I had time to dance in the rain!


Good ideas about the food - but its not the best way to spend your day - we all have enough to do without coping with emergency food salvaging.

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Sorry to hear about the freezer Ziggy - that's such a bummer. Like the others say - cook what you can then re-freeze it.


Yup, I will be at the rescue on saturday, at the chicken farm, then the re-homing. Come and make yourself known to me... I'm well known for not recognising people :roll::oops: I'll be in BHWT sweatshirt, blue wellies and likely as not covered in chicken poo! AMO and her OH will be there too.


You'll spot the green van from space!

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OOOooooooooooooooooooopppssss :oops:


Public apology to my children... it wasn't their fault...

Yesterday evening a guitar fell on top of Suki's head, and while she was screaming and bleeding from the head I rushed to freezer to get some ice to apply to her wound (which after cleaning and after the shock had gone, proved to be only a minor injury)... In my rush to care for her... I... not the kids... I... must have slammed the freezer door and something had moved in it preventing the door for sealing properly...


Sorry kids... well at least they were at school and I didn't yell at them :lol:

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Do you have your freezer contents covered on your contents insurance? Quite a lot of policies cover a certain amount, we paid about £3 extra this year to cover upto £150 I think it was.


If not, presumably the freezer was still switched on over night so the food is still chilled and some of the stuff at the back may still be frozen. If I were you I would throw away what can't be salvaged ie. ice cream lollies etc and leave the rest in the freezer on the basis that you will use as much as you can over the next week or so. The veg could all go into soup, then refrozen for quick suppers at a later date.


A big proportion of the stuff in my freezer is home grown so I would be really upset if it was lost most of for the time taken to pick and freeze it.


I sorted my chest freezer out yesterday with a view to defrosting it before this years fruit and veg need freezing and i still have an alarming number of strawberries in there :shock:


Hope you get it sorted, not a good start to the day.

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Oh no!!! Poor you, im sure you can sort it out? Hmmm, its a shame in not near, Seth and your little one could have played and we could have been a factory processing Quorn meals!


I batch make lots of things :)


We lived in a flat once that N Power would only let us have those litle paper cards youj put in for electricity!


We didnt realise that we had run out and all our freezers contents melted while we were at a festival. I claimed on the home insurance as we had accidental cover as there was over £500 in the freezer, all organic meats etc. I was livid!!!!


Luckily they paid out, but i was sad to throw all the meat away that we had bought for ross and my ex housemate Phil.

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