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Two things you shouldn't do...

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while in the garden with chooks !


1) eat a sandwhich


2) read a library book


It's such a gorgeous afternoon, I thought I'd let the chooks out early, I decided to have my lunch in the garden with the girls, I took my library book to read while eating.

It started off ok, Elsie was sunbathing by my seat, so I quietly shared my sandwhich with her. Just over half way through it, the others realised what was going on, they stampede over and I end up with 6 chickens 'begging' for crumbs, I had granary bread so I picked the grains out for them, lottie and margo thought they'd help me by picking out the grains themselves - they jumped up on my knee to try and reach the plate, I put my library book down to defend my sandwhich, gave up and ended up feeding the rest of my sarnie to the girls, Lottie cleaned my fingers for me and peered intently at my lips - sure she was trying to figure out how to relieve me of my last mouthful, margo delicately picked the crumbs off my jeans, someone else did a curry sauce poo on my library book ! :shock:

Luckily it has a plastic cover, I've wiped it with two wet wipes and a good blob of liquid soap, I'm sure I can still detect a whiff ! :lol:

So if you are planning on using Hereford library sometime soon - best give the california travel guides a miss :lol:

Next time, I'm eating indoors.

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  meezers said:

someone else did a curry sauce poo on my library book ! :shock:


that's sooo :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


I've given up trying to eat my brekkie in the garden because the girls always try ..... and normally succeed.....to run off with it :roll::roll:


When we have a bbq we have to put them back in their run otherwise we wouldn't get to eat anything :lol::lol::lol:

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  Laura & CTB said:
Us too - but we cook chicken kebabs while they watch us from the confines of the run - I'm sure we're getting the evil eye :shock:



How could you ? :o:lol: we've taken to whispering when it's chicken for dinner - even though they are outside and couldn't hear us :lol: , youngest son has taken it a step further and even whispers if he wants egg mayonaisse in his sarnies! :lol:

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Well, I've eaten my lunch inside since being mugged, but that hasn't stopped Margo :roll: Was sat at the dining table today with my sarnie , watching the girls in the garden, when Margo appeared on the windowsill, - she jumps onto the recycling bin, then somehow manages to get a grip on the upvc sill, the window was open, so next thing she's in on the table clearing the crumbs from my plate ! :o:lol: And doesn't she answer back when you turf her out ! :lol:

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