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The Battery Hen Welfare Trust needs you!

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Haven't posted for a while. My girls are doing fine. Very spoilt! Today tho we took in 6 recued battery hens. They are a bit nervous and very smelly, but they seem to be settling in. Pecking at the grass, something i guess they haven't done before.

I was a bit worried they wouldn't go into the hen house at dusk, but they all did bar one who needed a helping hand.

I shall try and post some pics if I can.

Will keep you updated. Wish me luck! :D


Wonderful :D8) have missed alot on the forum but you are all wonderful for caring, of course we all love chickens/hens so not at all surprised. :wink:


Have time to post tomorrow and have some lovely personal news to tell you but no time tonight.


Martin keep selling those eggs 8):wink:



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Thanks Kate. For some reason I couldn't name my gallery, so a BIG thank you for your help.

4 days in and the girls seem to be settling in very well. They name run out of the nest when we open the door in the morning and they all go to bed now without any prompting in the evening.

The smell seems to be on the waine too. I shell go to countrywide stores at the weekend and see if i can find some All-In-One powder which might kill any thing living on the skin and freshen up the girls in the process.

I'm moving the arc every day even tho the girls haven't yet learnt how to scratch too much. I've seen one of them have a scratch but so far they have just been eating the layers mash.

I've took some more photo's but they don't show too much of a change visualy. The change,as i say, is in their personalities. Still early days but it lookd promising. I should point out that before i handling my Omlet hen's i wash thoroughly if i have been near the battery hens... just incase. after the 5 eggs on sunday, we did'nt have any yesterday. but back up to 3 today.

Thats all for now. Oh and thanks for the comments in the gallery.


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well its exactly a week since the 6 rescue hens came to live with us. Each day they seem to be getting more settled. They are still a bit nervous when you put your hand in the run to refill their food tray but on the whole they are very contented. I have posted some new photo's, including one of a giant of an egg that we found on thursday. It must have made somebodies eyes water. We are averaging 3 eggs a day, we don't know who is laying them.... for all we know it could be the same 3 birds.

The other change is the state of the combs, they were pale and limp, hanging down over their eyes when we got them last week. But know they are pinker and more firm and it may be my imagination but they seem to have shrunk ever so slightly. They got so big due to the warm conditions in the battery houses and now they are in the fresh air it is having a nice effect on their appearence.

Oh, and the smell has gone! I had my head in the house today to clean it out and it didn't smell at all!

Anyway, thats week one. Have a good weekend all. I'm wating for Doctor Who to start.... Sarah Jane and K9's return!!! :D

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Smashing - so pleased for the little hens!


Their combs will eventually go bright red and stick right up, they look amazing in the sunshine!


A possible way to see which hens are laying is by the colour of their combs and faces, the brighter they are, the more likely it is to be those hens that are giving you eggs.

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2 weeks on and the girls are doing realy well. i've posted some new pic's in the gallery.

They are sprouting new feathers and are a lot more relaxed around people. The egg shells are are getting thicker and more colourfull.

So far so good!!! :D

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