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Nicola O

Tyrannosaurus Pecks !!

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Was just reading 'The Sun' at lunch (I don't buy it, honest :oops: , it was one of my colleagues) and there is a small article on how the closest living relative to the T-Rex is the humble chicken :!: , and there are pictures showing a T-Rex morphing into a chook :lol: .



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Was just reading 'The Sun' at lunch (I don't buy it, honest :oops: , it was one of my colleagues) and there is a small article on how the closest living relative to the T-Rex is the humble chicken :!: , and there are pictures showing a T-Rex morphing into a chook :lol: .




That's pretty amazing isn't it considering how long the dinosaurs have been extinct? Imagine a dino-sized chicken :shock::lol:

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When you look at their feet they do look very pre-historic (at least ours did). I love the footprints chickens leave when they have wet feet and walk down the path. Although I'd have put them down more as a descendant from a velociraptor (sp?) rather than a t-rex.

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I'm not well (a little better today), so my chooks have been a bit neglected in the treat dept :oops: Today I plodded out in the dressing gown to pop some melon in and the mini T Rexes spotted my fingers and I got pecked :shock: I had to open the door with the closing stick - bung the melon in and leg it for my life! :shock: I can well believe they are related. :D

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It does get better ... I used to be too scared to put my hands in the run, but now mine are middle-aged ladies, they don't peck nearly as much. I did get a nasty nip the other day though, well it served me right as I was holding a piece of cooked carrot at the time.

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Yup - this is how I persuaded my OH he wanted chickens 8) . Honestly, he is old enough to be married,he jsut hasn't got over that 6-year-old-boy obsession with dinasours.... useful ... "imagine you could have a pet dinasour! Or, the nearest relative..." etc.


Chickens are terrifying sometimes, cute one minute, scary the next :shock:

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