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Fur 'n' Feathers

First Day Free-ranging

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Managed to put out the chicken netting for the first time yesterday to make a nice coral for the hens (well done Omlet - great stuff).


The girls seemed to like the opportunity and spent it grazing the exta grass. No flights of fancy, which we had cautious about (clipped their wings last week).


Here are some photos of the event. Notice the utterly disinterested cat :!::!: (typical of Rascal).













As an aside, it definately is Krasi who's started laying - 5 eggs in 5 days :shock: Only 1 sft shell, yesterday, and the 59g egg on Thursday was a double-yolker :shock:8):!:

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Lovely set-up. It's so nice to see them free range and exploring.


I particularly love the cat's attitude "maybe if I can't seem they don't exist" :?



You're right. It is lovely. They seemed quite unphased as well.


The cat's follow up was to lie on his back with his legs in the air (another common posture for him). Probably meant "I don't care ....they don't exist!"

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Lovely - my cat lays looking in different a bit closer to the netting, then when they strech their heads through he gets far more interested.


Have they been on top of the eglu get? If mine were there they would be on top of the Eglu and using it as a launch pad to fly over the netting - I expect yours are not as naughty (yet!)



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Lovely - my cat lays looking in different a bit closer to the netting, then when they strech their heads through he gets far more interested.


Have they been on top of the eglu get? If mine were there they would be on top of the Eglu and using it as a launch pad to fly over the netting - I expect yours are not as naughty (yet!)




Not yet they haven't ....arghhh!!! they'll get the Johnson's Blue if they do!!!! :evil:

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Patsy has launched herself over the omlet neting once - frightened by a pigeon landing next to her :oops: then tried to get back in again & managed to get herself all tangled up, thankfully I dont let them free range unsupervised. Both she & Edina climb ontop of the eglu & jump off but away from the netting - like naughty children

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