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Very off topic!!

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Very off topic but OH's 2nd cousin once removed (they're a close family!) needs votes to win an online singing competition.

If anyone has a moment, please click on


and vote for contestant Abby Cutler.

She's a lovely girl & very talented, remember her name!

Its 1 vote per computer per day & a few extra votes could make all the difference.

Cheers! Hope no one minds. 8)

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Done it too. Sadly my sound doesn't seem to be working, but I'm taking it on trust that she must be good. It looks quite tight between her and the guy who's a little ahead right now, but come on, some of those contestants aren't even trying. Someone's only got 11 votes :(

I'll try to remember for tomorrow.


Kate A (green eglu)

Sage PP

Onion GNR

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I've tried to place a vote but don't seem to be able to :? Someone else has crept in front :shock: Abby sounds great! Keep voting everyone :wink:


Red, Did you put in the security code before submitting vote? Thanks for trying anyway, also thanks to others who are voting. She's slipped down to 3rd, so do tell everyone you can!

I may be biased but I thought girl in 1st place was dire, and that Abby's voice is great!


Thanks everyone, keep going!

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BTW - just pinching this thread to say how exhausted I am - I've been a bit busy this week and so haven't visited for a few days and it's taking me ages to catch up on all the news, hints, tips and gossip :wink: I think I'll have to finish tomorrow!

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