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Gutted !!

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One of my rabbits (Barnie) passed away last friday,he had been a bit off Thursday night, and Friday morning didnt eat any of his food, we rushed him to the vets and they said it looked like his teeth were probably giving him some trouble, so they would keep him in and give him anaestetic and take a closer look. Rang me at 4:00 to say he was ok and we could collect him asap. So went after work to collect him, didnt look to good to me, his head was on one side and looked like he had had some kind of stroke but thought it would probably be the anaestetic, took him home and left him in the back room to recover. After about half an hour he decided to venture out his box on to the floor but looked to be struggling down one side to control his limbs, so i picked him up to calm him down, which he jumped clean off my knee with spasms starting. I picked him up again but you could feel the spasms going through his body for which i comforted him and tried to ring the vets at the same time, they said to bring him back straight away, at this point his body had gone still and i just knew he gone.

I took him to the vets anyway just to have it confirmed, but sadly Barnie had died. They said they didnt know why it had happened, but i didnt want them to do a postmortem on him, he had suffered enough. I think it was more than his teeth, as he was far from his usual self Thursday night, but i guess we will never know.

Thing about rabbits is they hide problems too well, and you dont realise until its too late. :cry::cry:

Not a happy weekend :cry::cry: X RIP Barnie.

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Sorry to hear your loss, rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters are very sensitive when they have been under aneasthesia. My rabbit fluffy had his teeth clipped last year, he is now 5 and he had a tough time coming around it took him ages to recover and I was afraid that he wouldn't make it. But you are right they are not giving a lot of signs when they are not well but you did all you could so dont blame yourself and put him in the memmorial topic he will be well remembered.

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Very sorry to hear about Barnie. :( It must have been quite a traumatic experience for you. I know what you mean about it still feeling quite raw - you must give yourself time. It's perfectly ok to feel very sad at the moment, it doesn't negate all the happy times you had with Barnie.

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Its the third Rabbit ive lost in recent years, and it doesnt get any easier, i trully feel lost without them, they all have different personalities and i still miss each one. :cry::cry:


I will get some more soon, there are too many rabbits out there that need a good home for me to just give up.


But you help taking it personally that youve done something wrong, you try to do everything you can to keep them healthy and happy, and it feels something still goes wrong. :?:cry:

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