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mooncup . no more tampons and pads!

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It's just about too late for me to invest, I wish I'd known about them a while ago - and my daughter doesn't want to know :(:roll: I'll keep working on her though, I'd like to convert her before my granddaughter reaches the age where she will need to use sanitary products.

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And another thing.


LOTS of people on another forum (INEBG) have tried this too, and LOTS report the same strange difference to other sanitary protection:


Less or NO period pains.


I certainly haven't had any since I started using my mooncup, and I don't get my usual sciatica, either, for some odd reason.


I sterilise mine at the end only in a bit of milton in a pyrex jug on the kitchen windowsill, and then put it away till next time. I only rinse it each time I change it at home, when out, I don't bother.


Don't forget to put a bit of loo roll into the loo before you empty yours out, cos the contents sink like stone and don't flush too well.

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When my daughters the right age I don't think I'll even be mentioning alternatives until shes tried the mooncup.

I love mine. I'm one of the people who found it lessened my period pain. Now its like mid labour instead of full blown and much easier to cope with. Its also great cos you can go out and not worry about anything. Having kids means I always carry wipes with me so if needed I can get away with just using them.

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I love my mooncup and have had it for about 3 years. I've tried to convert friends and work collegues to using one but they all think it's a bit gross!

I think the money saved by not buying sanitary products every month and the reduction in waste produced certainly out weighs any possibility of grossness!

They don't know what they're missing!

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I have never ever heard of them, is there a site that i can look at to find out more information?,




I think Kaz posed the link at the very start of this thread..



I've got an unused one at home, I bought it - then fell pregnant and now I'm still breastfeeding so no need for it yet 8)

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I LOVE LOVE LOVE mine. Even on my worst days (and believe me, they're bad) it's totally protecting. Deals with heavy or light days without problems, and so much nicer and cleaner and cheaper. Also, you can throw it in your suitcase whenever you go away for those unexpected periods (happened to me this summer) without it taking too much space up. It also deals well with the horrid times when what comes out is more like liver than blood, although I have to empty it more. It's made my life so much easier, I would use it even if it weren't saving me money.

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I am very keen on this idea, and I tried it for the first time last night. The booklet says it sits lower than a tampon, but when I put it in it definitely didn't seem right, as I could feel it.

I decided to go to bed anyway, hoping it was ok - this morning it had sort of moved in the night :roll::roll: and was much higher up. This was much more comfortable, but I had a hell of a job removing it!


I had to abandon the experiment today as I couldn't afford to spend 15 mins in the loo struggling with it ... but I really want to try again.


How high up does it go, does it tuck behind the pubic bone like a tampon? Does anyone else have trouble reaching it? I'd be really grateful for any advice.


Can I add a HUGE :clap: and thank you to everyone on here for being so frank about how you use these and the problems/successes you've had, it's really inspired me to get one.

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thanks, I've managed it a bit more easily, I think it's going to take some practice but I am persevering.


Back in the days, I used to have a good old-fashioned diaphragm (does anyone use those any more?) and it's not much more difficult than that really, just a slightly different approach.


thanks for the advice, I will keep trying!

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If you still have problems sometimes a little lubricant helps you get it in postition better, especially if you have a strong pelvic floor.

Also because of your anatomy it will be more difficult to remove when your bladder is full as the bladder pushes the cervix up towards the body. Sorry if that was a bit graphic :oops:

I spend all day scanning 'lady bits' so I forget how used to it I am.

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Well - I've finally got to use mine. Bought it right at the beginning of this thread and then fell pregnant!


I think it's marvelous and wish I'd known about it sooner.


I had similar problems to you Olly - but now I bear down lots before even trying to retrieve it and that has made a big difference.


Great invention :P

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