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mooncup . no more tampons and pads!

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I have Endo and have used a Mooncup for about 6 years now. It's so much better than Tampons and I seem to get less pain with it too. Different folk need different solutions but I would give it a go.


Thanks - that's really interesting to hear. :)


Do you mean less pain than with tampons, or less pain than with pads also? I'm obviously all for anything that gives me less pain! :D

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I've been using mine since Friday and I am so impressed I wish that I had found it years ago. I will definately try to persuade my Daughter to use one, but I suppose it is a bit more daunting when you are young and have not had all your inhibitions knocked out of you by childbirth etc, plus everything in that area is probably a bit less flexible, to put it as delicately as possible :roll:

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Hopefully, I should have my period the week before my hols, but if not then I was thinking about one of these. I'm not sure I would get on with it though, as I don't get on with tampons - they cause soooo much pain & discomfort & I can't relax, as I just worry about leakage. So not sure a mooncup would help much. It's only that I will want to go swimming to cool down. I just hope I pray that I get my period a good week before I go! :pray:



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I don't know about the discomfort bit, I never had that much problem with tampons, however I did sometimes find them a bit drying, which isn't a problem with the mooncup. I also have NO worries about leakage with this, which definitely wasn't the case when using tampons! I've never had a leak since using it.


You would want to be very confident with it before going swimming, though - I don't think I would have wanted to swim until I'd used it a few times. Do have a go though, I am so happy with mine I want to tell everyone. Most of my friends just pull a face and shudder when I mention it :?

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I found tampons a bit uncomfortable and they leaked constantly through most of the period.


The mooncup is only slightly uncomfortable, not internally at all, more a feeling externally so you know it's there (but only when standing up/walking :? ) and there was virtually no leakage (I used a tiny pad just in case till I get to know how it'll behave!)


I certainly wouldn't dare to go swimming though :shock: .

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Can't type now for laughing! :lol::lol:


I used to get lots of pain with tampons but none at all with the mooncup. I would definitely swim whilst using it (rather than in it) :lol:

If you are still aware of it, you might need to push it further up. :lol: I can actually tell when mine is ready to empty as I become aware of it sitting lower down. And only ever had one leak, overnight when at the heaviest point (and it is very heavy). Persevere with it - you do get very used to it.

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Well this morning I've read through the whole 22 pages of this post and found it really interesting. Recently I have had a lot of problems with my periods as they've been really heavy and I've had to literally go to the loo every hour to change my towel.


Also I've had horrible liver type lumps of blood too. So now I'm seriously taking the mooncup under consideration.


However the only thing realy putting me off is the price of it, as if I don't like it the money has been wasted.

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I thought they did some kind of money back guarantee


Apparently they've stopped doing that now :roll: .


Uberglu, I worried about that too, but I reckon it's worth the risk. I can only think of one or maybe two people on here who didn't get on with it. The majority do.


Even if you still use tampons during the heavy time, I'm sure you could use the mooncup for part of the period. (Am I right in thinking you're quite young? Hope I'm not mixing you up with someone else :wink: . If so, I don't imagine you'd have any problems - no post-childbirth issues :? ).

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I thought they did some kind of money back guarantee


Apparently they've stopped doing that now :roll: .


Ubereglu, I worried about that too, but I reckon it's worth the risk. I can only think of one or maybe two people on here who didn't get on with it. The majority do.


Even if you still use tampons during the heavy time, I'm sure you could use the mooncup for part of the period. (Am I right in thinking you're quite young? Hope I'm not mixing you up with someone else :wink: . If so, I don't imagine you'd have any problems - no post-childbirth issues :? ).


Well I don't use tampons as they feel weird and that's one of my worrying factors-that it won't feel right.


BTW you're not mixing me up with someone else, I'm only 15.

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