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Which will come first?

Which will come first?  

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  1. 1. Which will come first?

    • Martin's Eglu
    • Gina's Baby

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Well baby still not here. :roll: Looks like I'll have to wait anohter week. Midwife said I wasn't at all ready. (cerix not ripe??). So I'm booked in to the hosptial next monday 22 to be induced if the baby hasn't come before then. Midwife said eat pinapple!

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Diana and Gina - don't worry! Your babies will arrive when they are ready. They will definitely arrive in the next week, so stop worrying! I think tension might make labour less likely to start, so the more relaxed you can be the better. Go for a pub lunch or invite someone in for coffee - that will take your mind off things!


Have a lovely day both of you! :D

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When Owen hung on past his due date, I decided to got to the pictures ALONE, to see whatever Star Wars film had just been released.


It was sold out, and I had to sit next to some teenager, who looked at me and asked when I was due. I pointed out I had been due 2 days before, he almost threw up, and spent the entire film giving me worried glances!


My waters broke about 50mins after I got home!

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Gina - a friend of mine said she went out for lunch everyday after her due date! :D


Do you know what I'm doing - tidying the shed!! :roll: I remember getting really upset after our second child was born that there was so much to do and all I was able to do was breastfeed. The two things that sent me to tears was the state of the shed and my oven!!


We are going out to the garden centre this afternoon. I fancy buying a couple of tomato plants for the greenhouse. We might treat ourselves to tea and cake if Erik doesn't mind.


I'd love to saunter up to Oxford ( is that where you are?) and have a spa treatment, you can have something special for expectant mothers i believe. However because my previous labour experiences have been pretty quick i need to keep close to my taxi man.


I'm looking forward to photos when these babies do arrive and its great sharing with you guys.

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Diana I take it the baby hasn't arrived yet, poor you I know how you feel I was 7 days overdue with my second and it was murder..........But when the time actually came I nearly didn't make it to the hospital because I couldn't feel the contractions, Emily was very nearly born in the car park..................Have a good afternoon at the garden centre and keep close to your taxi man I am sure it will happen soon............ :D

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I'm afraid Rebecca was due on May 11th. Oh good, I thought, that definitely means a May baby whether it's early or late! She was born on June 2nd! I was pregnant for 10 months! :shock:

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Yes! 9lbs 5 ozs. The obstetrician walked past after the Caesar and said 'Was she too big then?'! Previously he told me she was absolutely fine and I could wait until Christmas :!: Bad judgement there methinks! He put us both at risk.

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