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Last choir standing

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:wink: I think I spotted it in another thread, Bron! It lost its way - sorry, can't remember which one now but I know I recognised it as belonging to this one. Try whistling for it, it might come back?


Annie, our choir director always says (rather patronisingly!) that you don't NEED a very good voice to sing in a choir! What he means is that people with a strong solo voice often find it hard to blend in - good choral singers are people who can sing in a group.


Go for it - most amateur choirs welcome anyone who's willing to turn up and have a go, and won't expect you to be able to sing perfectly from scratch. Being in a choir has been a wonderful experience for me, and I wouldn't be without it for anything.

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I keep meaning to ask this Olly - do you sing with the Rowantree Choir?


No, I'm with a small local choir called Cantori, only 30 of us, all women although we borrow some chaps at Christmas so we can do a wider range of stuff.


Yes, I WILL be watching LCS tonight, despite what I've said above. If Ysgol Glaneathwy (sp?) don't go through I will be very :evil: though!

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I can't believe that Revelation are still there. They are, without doubt (in my humble opinion) the worst by far - but they stay in there. Is it anything to do with the lady with the long flowerpot on her head who is only interested in gospel and pashun?


At least Only Men Aloud, who are by far the best, are still there - and Asgtholll Ggywenthely or whatever they are called. Those two are head and shoulders above the rest.


And who does the frocks? There are some very large ladies in some very inappropriate dresses around. Frocks that are far too short and somewhat tight and revealing around the, well, chest area. You don't get a lot of those ladies to the pound do you?


I hope men aloud win - best singers and much safer in the dress department.

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I missed it tonight but from last week ACM at least seemed like a choir , unlike Revelation - two lead singers and a rather large backing group.............. The two Welsh choirs -btoh very good and both can sing. Why can't my dad sing? He's Welsh? Although he's not short and haory but rather very tall and skinny -well in some places! :D

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Based on Saturday's performances, I would have chosen ACM to go. Although I haven't enjoyed Revelation in the past, I think they did well this time. Only Men Aloud are surely the winners. Ysgol are good, but OMA are slightly better, I think. Tough choice between them though.

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Right choice in my opinion. Ysgol and Only men aloud could attempt any piece, but I'm not sure that revelations has the necessary skills.


I don't really mind which choir wins. Both are extremely good and I'm relieved that is the case in the final! I've voted for Only Men Aloud though because i think their tuning is better and their performances are all excellent with no dodgy moments at all.


Here goes . . .

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Right choice in my opinion. Ysgol and Only men aloud could attempt any piece, but I'm not sure that revelations has the necessary skills.


I don't really mind which choir wins. Both are extremely good and I'm relieved that is the case in the final! I've voted for Only Men Aloud though because i think their tuning is better and their performances are all excellent with no dodgy moments at all.


Here goes . . .


YAAAY!!! Right choice :clap::clap::clap:

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:clap::clap::clap::clap: I'm thrilled for Only Men Aloud. I'm sure we will see more of them in the future. They have a professional quality.


I'd also like to say that the last two choirs had excellent and talented Directors and I think that has a lot to do with their success.

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I'm just pleased that the final two were worthy of the title - choirs with real dynamic range, and able to sing a range of songs. I think Only Men Aloud were the best on the night - although I didn't like the arrangement of Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer - but they were both brilliant.


I've really enjoyed this competition, despite carping about some of the decisions! :wink: I really hope it's stimulated more people to think about joining a local choir - or to go and watch their local choirs perform.


What I think is so impressive, and perhaps wasn't drawn out enough in this programme, is that none of these people are professional singers - they all have day jobs or studying to do, and they don't get paid for singing, money from concerts is usually spent on buying music, paying for rehearsal space etc. I didn't know there was a Radio Choir competition until they mentioned it at the end of this. Link here - I'm going to make a diary note to listen out for this.

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Don't get me wrong Chelsea. I enjoyed ACM too and I think what they achieved in the last two programmes was of a very high quality.


There is some sort of invisible line between a choir and a group and I'm not entirely sure which side of it ACM were on. I don't feel quite comfortable describing them as a choir.

Also, I don't think they possessed as many choral skills as Only Men Aloud and ysgol Glanaethwy both displayed. But I hope they continue and maybe enjoy some engagements on the back of the programme. They certainly exude a happiness which is uplifting to see and share in. :D

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I thought the result was spot on - shows that public votes can work! I haven't enjoyed Revalation as much as the others for several weeks now; it was a pop group singing stuff that I didn't really like. It made me laugh a couple of weeks ago when the blond judge told off Men Alound for their cane number 'not being choral'! After the gospel so called choirs performances I thought that was a joke!


In my opinion the judge with the headgear was the only reason why the gospel choirs lasted so long, and once the public got into the act they were trimmed out. Not that they weren't good at what they did (that's me being understanding and conciliatory - a bit of 'with all due respect'), but they did nothing at all for me. I reckon they kept Revalation in there in the same way they always have one for the public to hate in these reality shows!


All due respect to those who liked Revalation of course ..... :wink:

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