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I heard slugs hate coffee grounds. Not sure of your set up so this may 'trap' them inside your run but you could sprinkle the coffee all round their pen?

Either that or get the scissors out to make them smaller for your chooks :vom::silenced: following the rule that 'anything our hen-mum has in her hands (or trowel) must be tastier than anything else in here' rule

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:shock: i know this sounds disgusting but we have slugs that actually come into the house at night !!! :vom::vom::vom: neighbours the same . all you see is the trails next morning . we have a high watertable and think it's the problem .. the thing we use now is salt . cheap table salt . but if the horrid things are under the run it's no use putting it round the run , perhaps a light sprinkling in the run at night and hose it off the next morning ? :? starngely enough we dont have a problem in the run at all touch wood :pray: we used to think it was the hard flooring that let them in because we have the wooden floor in the front room and lino in the kitchen but nothing in the back room (slate) or hall (tiles) . then nextdoor said they were getting trails on their carpets :vom: why do slugs exist they are disgusting ?!
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get the scissors out to make them smaller for your chooks :vom::silenced:

:shock::vom::shock::vom: Are you seriously saying you would pick up a massive slug and a pair of scisors and chop it into pieces!!! I can hardly bare to touch the things! I can not imagine doing that! Not that I'm soft on slugs you understand. Id be over the moon if they stop existing, but slugs are disgusting enough to start with, but the thought of cutting one up........... thats just 100 times more disgusting. IN fact, I shall have to stop thinking about it right now!


ps we have had an invasion of slugs recently...... the HUGE orange ones. In the coop and the kitchen! My girls seem to have very specific likes and dislikes about which slugs taste good and which slugs are clearly horrible and not even worth looking at.

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get the scissors out to make them smaller for your chooks :vom::silenced:

:shock::vom::shock::vom: Are you seriously saying you would pick up a massive slug and a pair of scisors and chop it into pieces!!! I can hardly bare to touch the things! I can not imagine doing that! Not that I'm soft on slugs you understand. Id be over the moon if they stop existing, but slugs are disgusting enough to start with, but the thought of cutting one up........... thats just 100 times more disgusting. IN fact, I shall have to stop thinking about it right now!


ps we have had an invasion of slugs recently...... the HUGE orange ones. In the coop and the kitchen! My girls seem to have very specific likes and dislikes about which slugs taste good and which slugs are clearly horrible and not even worth looking at.


I just had to say I've just read this thread and am sitting here chuckling to myself out loud :D:D:D I must admit, I think I too would struggle to cut them up - but I take my hat off to anyone who's brave enough to try it. :shock: I recently got angry with some slugs who were eating my seedlings so I went out at midnight in my dressing gown and 'salted' them muttering "Die you beasts!" :twisted:...once I'd got over my moment of evilness, I was racked with guilt, and although not a particularly religeous person do worry that I now have a black mark against me. :pray::lol:

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Ginger adores slugs, and will eat them, even the big ones. One went straight through the other day though undigested - disgusting! :? We haven't had a slug problem this year for the first year ever.


I think it might be a jam jar of beer which you 'plant' in a hole in the soil? Don't know how much beer to put in though!

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I think it might be a jam jar of beer which you 'plant' in a hole in the soil? Don't know how much beer to put in though!


Yes :D That is what I read a while back. I think an inch or two should work. I think they are attracted to the yeast, and they fall in and drown. But at least they die happy. :lol: Beats getting cut to shreads. :shock:

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I have read that a jar top filled with beer will attact slugs, which they will drown in. Not sure if it work as I've not tried it. My girls have developed a taste for the creatures. FINALLY!


Yep,beer traps work,but i found years back the cheap supermarket stuff attracts them best.Fill jars or whatever you have,dig a hole and submerge it so the rim is level with soil.The slug smells the beer and simply drowns.


Must admit though that since getting the chooks-my slug and snail population has decreased by around 95%!!! :D

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I have found that bringing the food in helps.


They have a great slug trap in Lakeland which has been given some rave reviews. I am going to get one or two of them.


The up side is that I have noticed several frogs in the garden, who I guess are feasting on the slugs?

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get the scissors out to make them smaller for your chooks :vom::silenced:

:shock::vom::shock::vom: Are you seriously saying you would pick up a massive slug and a pair of scisors and chop it into pieces!!! I can hardly bare to touch the things! I can not imagine doing that! Not that I'm soft on slugs you understand. Id be over the moon if they stop existing, but slugs are disgusting enough to start with, but the thought of cutting one up........... thats just 100 times more disgusting. IN fact, I shall have to stop thinking about it right now!


ps we have had an invasion of slugs recently...... the HUGE orange ones. In the coop and the kitchen! My girls seem to have very specific likes and dislikes about which slugs taste good and which slugs are clearly horrible and not even worth looking at.



Oh there's no way I'd get THAT close to one of those big slugs anyway. Just a suggestion - if you had the stomach for it! LOL :vom: We only seem to get the little jobs so if i find them it's push onto a trowel with a long stick and chuck in for the chooks. Have 'crunched' a snail for the girls though - they wouldn't touch it other wise. Yuk

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