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Pekin Bantams

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Someone's recommended to me that I get three pekin bantams for my eglu when it arrives later this week.


Does anyone have them and what are your thoughts about them. I have never kept chickens before.


Because they're smaller I feel more comfortable about having three in the run.

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I love mine. They are cheeky, friendly, nowty, bossy but most of all unique.


I had some problems wth some young ones that I had but we have identified this as a problem with info from the breeder more than the birds.


Mine are lavender, gold partridge and black/gold columbian.



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haha she is making herself at home.


What are the egg sizes like? can you still make use of them?


Delicious eggs. We have them poached for breakfasts, dry fried with free slimming world chips as I have just had for supper and I also make cakes with them...just weigh the eggs and use the same weight of flour, sugar and butter.

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haha she is making herself at home.


What are the egg sizes like? can you still make use of them?

I'm sure you know but they can be a bit patchy with the eggs.

I LOVE pekin bantams to bits and babs was the most hilarious chicken I have ever seen, but she would go off laying for a few weeks at a time, don't let me put you off though if you want pets aswell as eggs :lol:

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3 Pekins would fit quite nicely in a standard eglu run.


I can heartily recommend them, they are lovely little birds with bags of character and very handleable.


You do have to take care of their feet, but as long as the eglu run is covered with either a winter shade or a shower curtain they will be fine. When you are buying them, do make a point of checking their feet as scaley mite is more difficult to spot at first glance on a feathery footed bird.


Our Yum-yum lays 4 days out of 5 (when she's not broody!) and the eggs are gorgeous.

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The eggs are small and they do go broody but if you have a separate broody pen then they soon snap out of it if you separate them early. The benefits far outweigh the negatives. They are the most 'in your face', bolshy, don't mess with me chickens that I have. My smallest one chases the cat down the garden and she is just like a short, squat pigeon in disguise...she's the black and gold one below.




And this is Popcorn, my permanently nowty lavender pekin.



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Just out of interest, how much should I be paying for a Pekin?


Depends where you are boybeck. Our local poultry centre charges £25 for a POL purebreed, but they are fully vaccinated and from good stock which are true to type. Have a look in the back of practical poultry magazine for breeders near you or on pekinbantams.com.

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I am in Fareham, Hampshire.


I went to see a breeder today who had Silkies and I must say that although I'd initially thought they look a little odd, I think I'm now quite tempted by a couple.. they are very cute hehehe. Oh decisions, decisions. Maybe I'll get two pekins and two silkies for my eglu.

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