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Gingernut is not well1

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We had to take Chilli to the vets last night, she has been sneezing on and off since she arrived 3 weeks ago. Well she got much worse yesterday so off we went to the vets yesterday evening. My usual vet doesn't deal with chickens but I found another in the next town. Anyway poor Chilli has an upper respiritory infection, she has had some antibiotics and I have some stuff called Baytril to give her each day. I have had to isolate her from the others, didn't quite know where to put her. I ended up using a large dog crate and covering it with waterproof blankets so it is just open at the front during the day and covering it all at night.


Do you think she will be safe at night like that or should I put her inside a box inside the crate or similar, not sure what to do.


I do hope the others haven't caught it, it cost £38 last night. The vet said if any of the others start to sneeze I must get them there quickly and then isolate them!!!!


Has anyone else had experience with ill chickens, any advice gratefully received.


Many thanks Nicola

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Hello there Nicola, I have had poorly hens berore which needed Baytril, but I never had to isolate them, I simply kept them all together and the vet said to add the Baytril to the drinking water so they all got a dose anyway. It did mean we couldn't eat the eggs though!


I have one with a nasty cold at the moment that I am giving Baytril to by syringe feeding, if the others do become unwell could your vet not give you some Baytril for them too without having to see them?


Hope your chook is soon better.

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I have one chicken in large dog crate, with a cat basket inside at night time which I close the chicken in, covered around the sides with a blanket for warmth......at the moment. Over the top I have a waterproof tarpaulin, I'd originally bought to put over the eglu run in the winter..


Our reason is to slowly introduce a new chicken. The chickens who have been in here, have been quite happy...its next to the Eglu and run, so they can still see each other...as they made a tremendous racket when they couldnt see their pals...


Good luck with your poorly chicks...



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Sorry to read your chookie isnt too well at the minute, they are such a worry arent they?! :(


Firstly i would stick to the vets advice and keep her isolated as it could be infectious. The chookie is best to be brought in at night as the crate will not provide the warmth and safety the eglu does - better safe than sorry!


As the vet has prescribed the Baytril for this chookie inparticular i wouldnt put it in the water so all the chooks get a dose. The poorly chookie will need all the meds to help her get better.


It would help to put some Citracidal in the water as this is useful in helping to keep coughs & sneezes at bay.


Keep us posted on how she is doing :D

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I bought some citracidel the other day so they have all had that in their water.


I am giving Chilli her baytril by syringe this evening and I think I will put her in a pet carrier in the kitchen tonight just to be safe.


The others seem fine at the moment, touch wood, I think they would have got it by now as she has been pretty much like this for a while now.


Thanks for the afvice


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Thanks Lisa, so do I.


We gave her the medicine this evening, it's a bit hard getting a chook to open it's beak. She was mot impressed with the medicine and kept shaking her head in disgust.


I'm going to keep her inside tonight, perhaps a few nights inside will do the trick.


You could try soaking a cube of bread with the medicine if it is in liquid form They tend to be quite happy to take it that way. :D

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