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Aunty e

Cleo, her kitten and a new arrival

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Thought I'd post a wee update on the mad cat land that is my house :)


Cleo is recovering brilliantly from her op, and seems to be a lot happier without that pesky uterus. She's off to have her stitches out on saturday, and be checked over, but I think the vet will be really pleased with her. Macduff is a feisty little so and so, eats like a pig and is huge now. He opened his eyes a few days ago and I hope his ears will pop up soon and then he'll be a 'real' kitten. He seems a little lonely without any siblings, but he has an old beanie baby toy to snuggle up to when mum is having a break. I have about a million piccies on my phone, but will try and get some real ones I can post on the forum.


So whilst Cleo's hysterectomy was obviously the best thing for her, and we wouldn't have been comfortable for her to have any more kittens after this disaster, we were a little sad that our plans for baby Maus were at an end. Until we were offered a beautiful little smoke girl that is :)


We brought Safiya home at the weekend and she's settled right in. Nero adores her, Cleo doesn't mind her (really very good reaction from Cleo) and Dilly, Arthur and Evie pretend she doesn't exist (again, good reaction from other cats!). She's exactly like Nero was at that age, but a smoke, and we're really pleased with how the other cats have taken to yet another newcomer. We hope that she will play with Macduff as he gets a bit older, as singleton kittens can be difficult to socialise, and can fail to learn when to keep their claws to themselves (Dilly is a case in point sadly). As I went to bed last night, I had four cats on the covers, one on top of a bookcase and mother and child in a basket at the end of the bed. As my husband has said, many times before, this is absolutely our LAST cat. :lol:

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Sorry no pics yet, we've been a little busy as Safiya developed a case of calicivirus - very scary and upsetting for us and her, and she's still hospitalised. Luckily, Macduff seems to have either not picked it up or be immune, but we're limiting contact with him as with the best will in the world, it's difficult to make sure we're completely free of virus after nursing Safiya.

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Finally, Saffy is at home and well again, so I've taken a couple of pics of her, and one of ickle Macduff, who is also doing brilliantly. Sorry they're so big, my photobucket won't let me resize for some reason :oops:


Here is Nero loving Saffy



He's cleaning her, not eating her



And here is Macduff, looking mournful as all kittens do.


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