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I've seriously injured our fav chook.

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Poor love I dropped a hughe door on her, whilst trying to prevent next doors rescue boxer from getting at them.

I don't need te tell you all how devastatatedI am to have hurt her so bad I could not even put a posting yesterday as I feared there may be internal injuries & she would be dead by morning despite perking up in the eve & eating drinking poohing ok & grit eating,.

I have read those sad postings where they go later & know sge is still vulnerable :(:(:(

I just want to see if I could or should be doing more.

the door got her side on & trapped her, her right wing was out.

She was screaming & hobbled away but let me oh so carefully pick her up. she was clearly in shock & pain hunched fluffed closed eyes. it later became clear that her leg is hurt.

thought she was going to fade before me when her ears lost colour & her little beak opened to pant, but we were sitting in the warm summerhouse so she may just have got too warm, hubby brought water t her & she drank.

She got quite perky but can not weight bare on her roght leg her wing apperars to open when she has occasion to flap, which am trying hard not to happen,

she is apart from the others but can hear & see, though is clearly worried if they get close. at 5pm I gave her 0.1 ml metacam

She is being treated with everything I think she likes that will do her good, plus soaked 2 arnica pellet in warm water to dissolve & put in warm mash & ready break with some lime flour for all of them.

Also gave her RBA a homeopathic treatment from my vet that my pld dog had for arthritis.

SDorry for such long posting.

ohbattles in water, cod liver oil in mash & poultry spice.

Anything else I should be doing?

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Hi all,

I would have taken her to the vet, any vet ,if I didn't think that moving her would hurt her more.

She is clearly injured I know, but had pain medication was in the warm, safe was eating drinking gritting. resting. this evening once again in front of the fire(we have a cold house, the warmth must have eased her muscles(or just time) she stretched her bad side wing right out & was seemingly comfortable with that, which is good.

there are no visible signs of a break in the leg, and tomorrow god being willing I will very gently feel the thigh(for want of better description.)

She can put her foot down to the ground her claw opens & closes she scratched her ear with that foot this evening too. clearly weight baring is a problem, she only hobbles a few paces, but she has been tended to constantly when awake.and has therefore had easy access to food water grit.(ie held to her)

she carefuly lowers herself to lay down, and will review my vet options if god willing she is same tommorrow, I can't decide on a reasonable vet 20 mins drive or an expert in Crawley a much longer drive.(my concern for her not the drive )

I am concerned that an air sac could heve been damaged & just going tpo google it now. thank you all for your replies.

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Sorry to disagree with you here Sandy, but laying her gently in a box and taking her to the vet wouldn't cause her any problems. TBH, I would have taken her straight after the accident.


I hope that the pain meds you are using are specifically for poultry - they have completely different nervous systems from other crtiiers and need specific medication.

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I have to agree with the above 3 comments. The kindest and most sensible thing to do would be to get her checked out professionally. You can't treat any possible internal injuries yourself and a quick journey to the vets in a nice cardboard box with an old towel in for her to lie on wouldn't stress her any more than if she's sitting around in pain now.

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Well interesting,......

I took her 1st thing this morning to the vet as she clearly could manage it. 45 mins drive away.

He totally agreed with everything I had done, & agreed that she should not have been moved yesterday.

I had checked up on the pain meds & the correct dose for a chicken.(Sorry should have been clear about that)

Interestingly he explained that they usually go for a cat dose & little above due to their metabolism.

Also interestingly, many of the meds commonly used on chooks are not specifically for or been tested on them.

anyway he thoroughly examined her, she possibly has a hairline fracture but did not want to examine too hard incase he turned to a break.

She obviously is bruised, some slight crunchiness that would suggest some lligament/cartiledge damage.

Possible some nerve damage, due to the way her claw works but not too much, just think the signal not getting through fast enough.

He said that had an air sac been damaged that i would very likely have seen some breathing difficulty, he explained that on examination the skin would feel like bubble wrap where the air leaks out underneath the skin, but not always depends where the damage occurs, In any case there is no treatment they usually mend on their own depending on the extent of the damage.(Or die one would guess)

He said the RNA that he had given for my old dog was right, to continue at 3x daily.

The Metacam was correct, but unless she became hunched up & in discomfort again today to not give it to her because the liver damage possibility it causes, but doubted she would need more.

She laid an egg this morning bless her, opened the box at the vets to find it! : :!:

She also talked oh so quietly to him, the first she has uttered since the accident, & is now talking to us a little. She now is able to hobble a lot better & wants to be off, but for her own safetly she has a larger dog crate with a none slip coving on the floor & she can move around a little in safety & see her pals.

She will no doubt be enjoying the warmth of the fire again soon.

I feel much better now that she has been seen, but just knew yesterday to the wrong vets would have been bad :!:

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Your vet sounds lovely :) .


As vets who know one end of a chicken from the other are few and far between, is there any chance that you could let us have the address of your vet, Sandy, so that we can add them to the list in the FAQ section please?


I'm glad that she seems to be doing OK and I am very glad that you got a professional opinion on her treatment. Best of luck with her over the weekend.

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