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The Dogmother

What are these?

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We went hedgerowing yesterday, and among the usual stuff, we found some unusual berries, which were very sweet and fragrant; they had deep green leaves with dark red 'fur' around the edges, the stems (which were low-growing) had red hairs instead of thorns and the berries look just like an orangey red raspberry. No ideas at this stage what they are, the berries look similar to these salmon berries, but the leaves and growing habit are nowhere near the same. Perhaps they are just a different type of salmon berry







Any ideas?

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My parents had a few in their garden. They looked messy but were worth it. They had to dig them out when they rented the place out so they gave me 3 or 4 cuttings of which none took :(

I love them and may be tempted to buy one or two when I have the money.

I think someone could really do well growing and selling them like raspberries, they grow like brambles.

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Hmm :? this wasn't low growing though - it was growing up through a hedge and the fruit hung down under the leaves rather than on top like the cloudberry. Perhaps the two are related.


I only picked up the 'low growing' from your original post :lol:


I'm glad they weren't! - as Egluntine said, I avoid any berries which are low growing :lol:


......now, where did you say they were growing? :wink:

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:lol: Sorry for the confusion Lesley :oops: - they were growing through a hedge in Great Tew, some were lower (which I instructed Rosie not to pick) and others were quite high up. The berries are cunningly hidden underneath the leaves and you really need to get underneath them and peer upwards to see them properly.



Great Tew, thats where i used to go to school :D ( i lived at the farm next to Judes then) always used to be a fab place for getting the christmas holly to.

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