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Article on not using shampoo......

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Just to let those of you who have given up shampoo that there is an article about this in The Daily Mail today.

Title "we challenge 5 women to give up shampoo - with suprising results!"


I haven't read it yet (no time in the mornings),but thought I would post to give anyone who is interested a chance to buy the paper if they want :D

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8) Thanks for the offer, Sarah, but I've read it now. Thanks for that, Louise.

The first person was enthralled after 6 weeks, a couple of others thought it was great, & others absolutely hated it! I don't think 6 weeks is long enough to judge, as it really does improve as the weeks go by.

At the end, there were a few other comments. One was telling of a man who didn't even use water, and loved it, but everyone else thought he was smelly! :roll: Yuk, gives us non shampooers a bad name.

I firmly believe in the benefit of non-shampooing, but would never stop water, with occasional vinegar or bicarb to help lift dirt. :D

I don't intend ever using shampoo or conditioner on my hair!

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This was really interesting reading (for me!). Why is one person really happy and others very unhappy with the results? It doesn't seem to be consistent. I'm still battling after 16/17 weeks and certainly can't just use water. :?

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I'm just bathing my baby Archie in plain water as recommended by my health visitor and he has 'milk spots' /heat rash all over his head and chest and top of his arms. She said don't use anything but water.


The funny thing is that people say oooh I love that baby smell when they hold him. To me his hair smells of well... hair.


That so called 'baby smell' I've always thought is johnson's products so I don't really believe them when they say they love the smell of Archie.


Anyway his spots are a getting better slowly.


I admire those that do without shampoo. I use a wax hair product to make my thin and lifeless hair stand up to look funky and interesting perhaps a bit arty. If I gave up using shampoo could I still use the wax? Don't think I've got the stamina to do it anyway.

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Looks like we are talking nappies. :roll:


I love my Tots Bots cloth reusable nappies. Archie had his six week check up and when I undressed him the doctor said WOW. He had never seen any reusable designs other than terries and couldn't remember when he last saw a terry in use. He's been at our surgery for 10 years!


I was really suprised. He specialises in conducting six week check ups for all the doctors patients at my surgery, so sees a lot of babies i imagine. I have three friends who use cloth nappies and I thought/hoped that it was an increasing trend.

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To go back to the shampooless article, I agree that 6 weeks is not a long enough experiment. I have left a comment on the website but I forgot to put that observation in it. Maybe some others who aren't using shampoo could leave comments as well.

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I've just read the article and all those ladies that did the experiment have the same lenght hair - ie about shoulder lenghth or longer.


My hair is short, fine and lifeless. I don't mind cutting down on the shampoo but can't do without the wax to make it more interesting and make me feel more confident. Otherwise it would just lie flat and stick to my head. Good article and lots of feedback worth reading.


I shower everyday and now I shall leave off the shampoo a bit more.


My husband has short greasy hair with dandruff. I don't like the look of him if he leaves his hair unwashed for just one day. :roll:

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