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Does anyone still use hankerchiefs?

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I'm now using reusable nappies for Archie, reusable wipes and reusable breat pads.


We've just run out of tissues. We buy in bulk form CostCo and while I was breast feeding I thought that's an awful lot of tissues we use. Perhaps I could use hankerchiefs. After all these are what I used until sometime after leaving the parental home.


My mum used to have a special saucepan and boil wash all the hankies.


Now that I'm machine washing the nappies on 60 with a pre-wash and they are coming up beautifully - do you think it would be ok to put hankies in the machine?

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I use it to soak any stained items, but I put about 2tbspns in the white wash and it comes up a treat. You can also use it for boiling face cloths. The smell of it boiling reminds me of the big copper boiler that my mother used for whites, she used a 'blue cube' too to bring up the whiteness - Memories :D

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I've just spilt olive oil on my skirt trying to hold Archie, eat lunch and read the forum at the same time. More washing :roll:


I only use a 40 'C cycle for my sheets - am I filthy? :? They seem completly clean. I have never used the 95'C cycle - thought i was saving energy.


I too quite like the smell of boiling washing - reminds me of my childhood home. :D

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A washing machine repair man once told me to run my machine on a 90 wash every so often to stop the build up of limescale and general scum! nice.


Just thought i'd mention it!


Can't be any worse than discussions about boiling snot :roll:


One downfall in my green credentials - tissues :? (there are obviously more but I can't remember them! :wink: ) I can't bear the thought of handkerchiefs........... what am I doing in this topic? :?

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This is probably not the greenest product out there but the new Vanish crystal white stuff is amazing.

Devon came home with black & yellow paint on her brand new white school shirt.I tried soaking it,tries stain devils,but it was still there.The vanish stuff got it out...no problem (& left it really bright white too :P )

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A washing machine repair man once told me to run my machine on a 90 wash every so often to stop the build up of limescale and general scum! nice.


Just thought i'd mention it!


it might remove the scum - but limescale is caused by heating "hard" water - a 90 degree wash would just cause more limescale - just like a 100degree boil does in your kettel or tea-urn... surely?



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