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Fingers in mouths

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:vom: ok i have a question... can chicken worms get into children? Mine always seems to have her fingers in her mouth even tho i try to stop her... she is on the other hand (lol) thank goodness, very good at washing her hands after playing with the chucks, going to the loo etc.


maybe i should be more worried about the child germs getting into the chucks! :mrgreen:

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My two year old is always walking around with his fingers and toys in his mouth. It drives me mad but I don't know how to stop him


He is very good at washing his hands though, we've always washed his hands before meals and whenever he's been outside but now he takes himself off to the bathroom at regular intervals, climbs up to the sink and washes his hands. Sometimes, the first I know of it is when I hear the bathroom door close behind him.


I just wish he'd learn to turn the taps off and hadn't flooded the bathroom and hallway a few months ago.

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Now you see I don't worm my children, it's never even occurred to me, and my lad sucks two fingers on his right hand instead of sucking his thumb. He does wash his hands but not with any reliability and his very favourite thing is to get covered in as much mud as he can, better would be to get covred in compost, and he thinks nothing of going in the hen house barefoot :vom:

But touch wood, he's a healthy boy as are my girls. Not advocating they eat the stuff but I think a little bit of dirt does them good, builds up their immune systems, too much hand washing means their bodies never get to tackle the germs and learn to fight them. Just my opinion obviously :D


Mrs B

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Never wormed my kids, wouldn't have dreamt of doing it unless they caught them which they never did.

the only thing i fought with youngest daughter was nits :evil: other than that all healthy kids and now adults.

Too much cleanliness usually makes for kids that can't fight germs themselves, a friend with 3 girls and totally obcessed with cleanliness had 3 girls who were always ill :!:

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Don't get me wrong girls, I'm all for a speck of dirt as the old saying goes.... I was brought up on my grandparents smallholding and have the strongest immune system going as a result. My uncle is a medic (well, half my family are :roll: ) and I was always brought up on the idea of worming the children twice a year or so. Stops them getting itchy bots if nothing else.

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