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Blogthings - v. funny

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Oh lummy, I'm glad I'd finished the vacuuming before I found this thread....


I'm 30% witch (hubby will never believe it's that low)

75% British,

A boxer dog

My pizza is rustic and homemade

My hair should be red (I spend my whole life trying to cover up my redness!)

I should date a Swede (how weird is that?)

and best of all I'm a........


CHICKEN!! :dance:

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You Are a Cat

You are very independent and reclusive. No one really understands you, and you like it that way!

You are quite clever and ingenious. You can get yourself out of any sticky situation.


You are confident and cool tempered. You know you have many advantages and resources to draw from.

No matter what life throws at you, things always seem to work out your way.



I always said I wanted to come back as a cat, I've obviously already got there :lol:

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