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Desperately need your help - Ideas needed please!

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My DS is off to Ladakh in the Indian Himalayas next summer . His trip is dual purpose - He is spending half the time taking part in a kayaking expedition and spending the other half involved in charity work helping the local community set up a solar power project. They will be over 11,000 feet up for the duration of the trip and they are kayaking in a gorge that takes 4 days to get out of. :shock: This will be the experience of a lifetime for an 18 year old (as he will be by then) and I am delighted that he has this opportunity, although a little worried :anxious: . He has already taking part in a number of events with the rest of his kayak club and they have raised almost £6,000 for the charity work. However, he has been told that he needs to organise his own sponsorship. Having never known anyone who has had the opportunity to do something like this I do not know who are the best organisations/companies that he could write to and was hoping that I could tap into your wealth of knowledge and experience. He does work both Sat & Sun (7.15 - 3.15) on a fulltime basis at the local hospital, as well as being fulltime A level student, so has raised a lot of money himself but some sponsorship would really help him.


Any ideas gratefully received. Perhaps he should ask Omlet if they will sponsor him and I could buy him a T shirt to wear while he is away! Photos would be supplied of course! :lol:

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When I was fundraising for Oxfam last year I did find it quite difficult. I am not very good at asking for money!


In the current climate, he may find local firms unwilling to sponsor.


I did some car boot sales and also did a walk on the treadmill at my health club with a bucket at the side of me. I also did a quiz night which was quite popular.


I registered with Bemycharity and sent what was really a begging letter to all my e-mail contacts who could donate online. People are really incredibly generous. I also did some jewellery parties and stuff. Instead of getting a hostess present, the sellers donated a percentage of the sales to the charity. I can see that this wouldn't really appeal to a 17/18 year old boy though!


Your son will have a ball. What an incredible opportunity for him. Hope he has a great time.

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