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flat tum?

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Does anyone out there have any exercises that tone up a wobbly tum in an emergency?


we go away in a few weeks with a friend and her family, last year she was pregnant :D this year she looks like a stick insect :(


I know i'm not going to produce a 6 pack but loosing some of this bag of potatoes I keep up my tee shirt may help :oops::roll:


karen x

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Oh dear...the pre holiday panics have set in and it can happen to any of us Karen. I say don't panic and think about your good points...yes you have them.


I always swear by doing a small amout of gentle sit ups slowly as you feel your muscles tingle stop. This feeling will remind you to hold it in and also make you feel you've worked it also sit on a chair with your back into the rear of the seat and holding tummy in lift knees up and down slowly. feel the abs work.


it's about little ones of quality. :D


Like you and don't get into a stress though,



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Karen, I've met you briefly, just once. First impressions; you look terriffic, no one would guess you had 4 children, but most importantly you're a lovely, warm, friendly person.

So, as Buffie eloquently described, start on small but regular tummy exercises, "holding in" sit ups. I always forget when you breathe in & out, or I'd tell you. Can someone remind me, then I can join in? Is it breathe out as you sit up, or vice versa?

Please don't aspire to being a stick insect! Stay as lovely as you are. :D

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I used to do Callanetics back when I had a VCR, which included some very effective tummy crunches. Instead of an actual sit-up, you just curl your head and shoulders up, then tighten and release - 100 times :shock: Killer (I could only manage batches of 20-25 times at first) but very effective.


Oh, I forgot to add - you do the whole thing four times: once with both feet down, once with each leg in the air, and once with both legs in the air... :)

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Stand, inhale deeply and exhale all the air. Pull in your tummy and either hold for a few seconds then release, or pull in and out quickly. Maybe some yoga?


Sit-ups and a lot of excercises tend to work on the abs rather than the squashy bit of your tummy (correct me if I'm wrong).

If you excercise 30 mins excercise 5 times a week it would help tone your tummy as it would burn calories. Apparently the frequency is more important than the 30mins.


My friend had to go UP to a shock :o size 10 pair of jeans during pregnancy :shock::evil: and my tummy was bigger than hers through practically all of the pregnancy and I'm not fat :roll:

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The problem is jeans (and women's trousers generally) - virtually everything in the shops is low-cut, so Big Pants are no use :(


Yes, I have skirts and dresses, but they're long and floaty and thus not suitable for all occasions (mucking out the chickens, for a start!). And what about the beach? Not that I do beach holidays anymore - too boring!

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I hate the low cut look that seems to be everywhere these days 90% of the people in them are hanging over the top and I'm sorry I don't want to offend anyone but it is not a good look :shock:


Keep your kidneys covered and warm they need to be kept warm to work properly :lol:

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How about pilates as well? It concentrates on the deep abdominals, and i swear you can see a difference after the firt session. Not to mention being really good for you anyway! And drink gallons of water in case any of your wobbly tum (as my wobbly tum generally is) is water retention. and water is good for you too :lol:

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Rather than just sit-ups & crunches, try this one:


Sit down on a stool (always a good start to an exercise) with your back straight.


Making sure that you have plenty of space around you, hold a broom handle or similar across the back of your shoulders.


Slowly twist your upper body round to one side and then the other, holding when you get as far round as you can get.


Try and do 15-20 each side, rest for a minute and then repeat 2-3 times.


Unlike sit-ups and crunches, this works the Obliques - the muscles down the side of your tummy. Doing the twisting motion will help develop and tone the muscles in such a way that they pull 'in' - this helps with the girlie style waist that comes in hourglass style.

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what ever you do make sure you pull the abdominals in as you work, imagine trying to fasten an over tight pair of jeans or as it is more classically put draw your navel towards your spine. I was told by a physio that if you just throw yourself at sit ups etc you can end up working the abdominals in a domed position and that's what you end up with strong, domed abdominals. Not the look any of us are after.

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