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buying nothing new for a year

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erm, doesnt that make it second hand :D


therefore not new :D


therefore - no guilt :D


wow a piano, i would love a piano (cant play but would still love one :D )





of course , second hand so dosn't count, :lol::lol::lol: I dont play either but have decided to try to learn, second hand ear muffs anyone

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Ive been struggling this week :(


so today, I went shopping :D


ive got 1 shirt (M&S)

1 jumper (berkertex)

teeshirt (rosher, john rosher)

teeshirt (Birkertex)

slinky top (kaliko)

teeshirt (Ted Baker)


all from a charity shops, nothing more that £3 :D


so, had my little splurge, now all settled :D


oh, apparently, st michael (M&S old label) has become very sought after - I nearly bought a retro 70's brown and orange blouse today, but didnt :lol:




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I think I've been doing OK on this - I haven't really been monitoring it because I don't tend to buy myself anything anyway :lol: I don't count the greenhouse as that helps towards the growing more of your own. I did buy some new clothes for work, but was getting a bit desperate on the smart clothes front so they really were needed! The only other things I've bought have been fabric, wool and clothes and shoes for the boys. :D

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I'm still doing really well too! I stuck to a budget for my birthday party although some of the things I bought were new they were within the set amount.


I now have a lot of lovely vouchers too so I can buy new without guilt! I also am working on trying to spend less on entertainment. I don't actually do a lot of entertainment things but school holidays can be a bit of a bind with that. This holiday James is booked into kids club for just 5 sessions (we get a HUGE discount as we are members of the gym - his £25 per month repays us in spades - these 5 sessions are costing me £45 and they are 10 till 4 each day, one even includes a lunch). I've arranged for friends to come round a couple of days and we are planning to go geocaching, visit Hyde Hall etc rather than going to places that cost us money. In this vein I've funded my V ticket (and my on the day spending!) by buying and selling a couple of MJ tickets - I bought 4 and sold 2 to my boss at face value and the others on Ebay for a whopping profit.


Then of course theres the Hen parties etc...

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i think ive come to the point where I dont want to shop :shock:


is anyone else feeling like that :? (or am I just weird :lol: )


ive been hitting charity shops when ive needed a splurge, and more often than not not bought anything


in fact, apart from undies, ive not bought anything new :D


and my food shopping has dramatically reduced too :D


ive also decided that im going to precycle too :D (in case anyone hasnt heard of it, its making things like soap and tomatoe ketchup from scratch rather thand recyling the bottles after it :D )


its weird - I used to be able to spend for England - now im hunting out affluent areas to go charity shopiing :lol:




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Sounds like you've hit the shopper's "wall" Cathy! I can go round Poundland and come out empty handed now, only buying what I actually need.


I am allowed to buy new now, but can't get over the price of things in the shops(makes you realise that clothes shopping is not an everyday activity). I've turned away from places like Primark too, I don't like the quality, or lack of, and when I can buy stuff like Hobbs clothing in the charity shops for a couple of quid, it makes sense to keep going back :D


Trouble is, near me a couple of good Oxfam shops are closing/have closed down, and I know it's to do with the rates they are being charged, I'm almost bereft :(

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I think I'm in the same place Cathy. I have about £150 worth of vouchers sitting in my handbag and I don't want to spend them!!!!! I hit the charity shops looking for the things I want but I@m even buying less there. I did buy a nice waterproof jacket today, been looking for one for weeks.


I do want to buy a hand mixer and JL now have one that I want but it's slightly more (£9) than my JL voucher - so I keep talking myself back out of it.


I'm going to the Ideal Home Exhibition on Tuesday and I've promised myself that I will allow myself the equivelent of the money from tomorrows hen party to spend (not too dusty an amount) It's not that I WANT to spend though but I know that I will when I get there - not really a lot of point in going if you aren't spending anything.


I am spending less on shopping and making more and more of my own food now. Pasta for lunches, I've also taken to tortilla wraps so I'm looking for a nice recipe for those too. I can't bear the thought of spending good money on them. I WILL NOT start making my own wine though.

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I have been quite good so far, do need underwear now though, but that is allowed :wink:


Seen a few things on amazon that I like the look of, but it is my birthday in May, so emails have been sent to relevant parties :wink::lol:


Spent a fair bit for the garden and veggie garden, but I promise myself that that was allowed.


Plus anything I need to make crafty things that I sell, jam jars, labels, egg boxes etc. I am actually enjoying looking around for a bargain now. :D


I do find charity shops appalling for men's clothing - haven't seen anything I like, it is brown and faded :roll:

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Well I did great at the Ideal Home show. I kept talking myself out of things I fancied - was determined to spend less than I made at Sundays Hen party. I just can't bring myself to spend it though - although at the same time I was buying coffees at £3 a pop, maybe next year I should go for "buy nothing in a take away coffee cup for a year"....


I bought 2 things in the end but one doesn't count. The doesn't count was a stove top coffee maker, which doesn't count because it was a replacement for the one I bought just before Xmas and Mum has to pay for it as she owes me (I@ve used the other one 3 times and she PUT IT IN THE DISHWASHER - and it wasn't dishwasher safe and is now unusable!). The one that does count was a lovely waterproof coat - wiht a cape bit and a hood in "Aubergine" and it was £35 but I hit him for a discount and got it for £30.


Oh and I might have given my details for a survey for something that's going to cost around 10k but solar panels don't count do they?????


Roll on Grand Designs....

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I have failed :(:(:(


I was in Amsterdam yesterday and bought some nice fabric for jar toppers, managed to avoid the craft shops - it took some will power I can tell you - but stumbled into a camera shop on my way back to the hotel :(:(


I bought a new Digital SLR camera last year and have been looking out for a camera bag, well I found one.




I LOVE Crumpler bags, they are another addiction, along with Lock&Lock, crocs, jars, buttons, fabric, pencils, paper and pencil cases :roll::roll:


I now have 6 crumpler bags, the wash bag, mobile and ipod case! :roll::roll:


No more.....! *hangs head in shame*

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oh christian :( you needed the bag, your camera is an important piece of kit and needs protecting :D


never mind - just get straight back on the horse tomorrow :D


I sort of failed too :(


I got me (and kev) waterproof, breathable jackets to let us both work the allotment in the rain (i was working on this being a sure-fire way of making sure we had a good summer with no rain :D )


im going to step straight straight back on the horsy-wagon tomorrow :D


if we both keep quiet, no one else will know :anxious::whistle::shh::silenced:



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Damn if I didn't type a long reply and the cat didn't delete it.


Christian - you really have to get a grip on yourself regarding bags. If you were a woman you would have a Million of them. Here are two of my favourite places to buy bags - and yes I have several (dozen from one) from each site. Radley and Knomo. I WILL NOT buy ANOTHER laptop bag. I WILL NOT buy another handbag - oooh is that a sale on the Radley site............


I digress. Excitingly for you Christian - did I mention I now have a Lock & Lock cake caddy???? I got it with my last lot of John Lewis vouchers (partnership card for all my Waitrose shopping). Today I also used my new stick blender that I finally ordered from JL with my birthday vouchers - it's TOO powerfull! I only ever got it on 1 and didn't dare use the turbo button.


Tomorrow I'm going to hit my fave charity shops and my fave boutique and cookshop - I've had vouchers for each of them for over a month now and I just can't bring myself to spend them!!! Dare I spend £50 on a swimsuit - or will I end up with another Radley bag (OK for £50 that would be a purse). Do I need a parmisan grater?????


The problem with this buy nothing new is that I really DON'T want to spend these vouchers. I will not of course have any problem whatsoever in buying coffee in Costa. This will be the Costa where they are pouring my massimo skinny latte BEFORE I've ordered it :oops:

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We moved offices and now the microwave is on the other side of the floor, and there's been an edict about not eating hot food at your desk- if you have to heat it up, then you're supposed to eat it in the 'breakout' area there. This is a delightful (not) area that looks on to the lift-shaft :roll: and anyway I usually carry on working while I eat my lunch ... the result is that I have fallen out of the habit of taking my lunch in, which is usually last night's tea warmed up, and I'm spending a fortune on buying lunch.


I'm hoping to spend this weekend getting my head (and fridge) a bit more organised. There's plenty of things I could make and take in that don't need warming up.


I have bought a pressure-washer and a hedge-cutter recently :oops: but I really needed both of those for the garden. I am not totally doing the 'buy nothing new', I'm just trying to avoid spending for the sake of it.


Today could be a challenge though. I'm planning a new border and I really, really need to go to the nursery for some plants ...

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I can't do it. I have those vouchers burning a hole in my pocket.


Picture this scene - I have no James and I'm on the High Street where I have vouchers for three lovely shops, the cookshop, the boutique and a little gift shop. I went in each and came out with NOTHING.


I also didn't buy ANYTHING in the charity shops.


I did buy a Latte.

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ive bought myself some shoes :oops::oops::oops::oops:


I have been through my wardrobe and binned all the rubbish, im about to go through my shoes and bin the rubbish (you know, the too small, uncomfortable, etc)


so, ive got my summer sandles for this year :D


however, ive used a cashback site and voucher codes for at least a £7 discount :D i will only get one pair of sandles this year


am i forgiven for this little slip?




*hangs head in shame*




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