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buying nothing new for a year

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ok, my first month (short of 1 day :D )


I am very proud of myself :D


I havent kept a log of what Ive spent or saved, but I can tell you that I have:


bought NO magazines


only shopped once a week on £50


made myself dinner more often than buying it at school


made dinner from veg rather than buying processed/ready made meals


used washing soda and vinegar rather than buying expensive washing powder


and ive found it quite easy


I have bought some things, but only on necessity and not "because"


so, there you are, feeling very :angel::angel::angel:




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right, I have a quandry :?


I want a leather biker jacket. but im not willing to pay for one (well, mega-bucks anyway)


so, ive seen one in a charity shop (nice leather, £15, but slightly too big and a mans jacket)


so, I dont need it, but I like it.


please tell me that it will look rubbish, cos ive been in the shop 3 times and looked at it now (im hoping that it will be gone next time I look, but its usually still there :lol: )








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Anyway it isn't new is it?


I just ordered something new on Ebay but it was a roundabout saving - it's a clothes airer to hang over the Aga - we are already "aga ironing" so saving leccie on the iron (well the aga is on anyway...) but this is to further the Aga drying and ironing - our hope is that we can get rid of the dryer (which only gets used in winter) and STOP sharing a freezer - if Mum lost the dryer she could have a freezer in her kitchen.


I SWEAR that one day I will kill that woman over the freezer. its FULL OF BREAD!!!!! :twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted: There is brown bread, chicken bread, old rolls, another couple of brown bread loaves oh and some more chicken bread - do you get the picture?????? In my kitchen I have a chest freezer and there is hardly any room in it for me to put food. Oh and did I mention that NONE of the bread is mine????? There is one ball of dough in there that I made today.

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Well, apart from my emergency clothing purchases above, I am doing quite well.


I haven't spent a penny on anything apart from food and fuel, since 1st January. :D:D Lucky really as I am poor as a church mouse at present.


I am making 40+ wedding favours for OH's sister's wedding in July and will have to get some fabric and bits for that, but am really pleased with myself.



I need to find some decent charity shops locally to root around for bits and bobs.

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I bought a Lock & Lock cake store - using my John Lewis vouchers :lol:


I've bought a few bits for my forthcoming party - All Ebay and all within what I made selling stuff.


There also seems to be a large shiney new freezer in my kitchen :whistle::whistle: BUT Mum bought it to save us killing each other - was her decision to take the old one as the new one takes up less floorspace and allows me to have a table in the kitchen - to utilize the Aga heat.


THEN I got a lovely table and chairs from freecycle!!! :lol::lol::lol:


I'm spending less than my allowed £20 per week spending money (not food bills etc) AND managing to keep my new years resolution to get at least 1 beauty treatment a month. Mind you the Essex nails need infilling every 3 weeks - but I'm managing to do that out of my weekly spending money.


On top of that the money is finally flowing my way again - I signed contracts with a new tenant today so I'm only paying one mortgage now. I might even claw out of my overdraft in a few months!!

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end of month 2 :D (nearly)


i'm really glad that Im doing this :D


ive bought a candle making kit and a soda stream :D


and thats all :D


and Ive really reduced the amount of shopping that ive bought,


and ive only had one magazine (kev bought me :D )


i am actually embarrased to say that im finding things that I bought last year - that I dont remember buying :oops::oops::oops:


I found a pair of jeans and a dress :shock:


thats not including the pair of boots that I bought the year before that Ive not worn yet :shock::shock:


so - its no surprise that im coping with this scarily well :lol::lol:




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Apart from all my chook run stuff & stock for my silver courses, I think the only thing I've bought for myself is a new pair of joggers from Tesco which were the princely sum of £3.50, the others had shrunk to ankle swingers - not a good look! Am very glad my Nan gave me the money which has covered these bits of fairly major expenditure. Once I get the fees in from the students, I'll put that money away into a "rainy-day" fund rather than leaving it in my current account to get lost.


We are buying lots of "slow-cookerable" meat which can be stretched over several meals, and I try to buy in the local farm shops rather than supermarkets.


My friends think I'm turning into a hermit I spend so much time with my chooks, possibly true, it also means I don't spend so much money :clap:


Sha x

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Well done Cathy and Sha! 8)


Apart from my 'emergency purchases' in Paris when the snow hit and I was stuck there, I have bought a book from Green metropolis using the money already in my account AND NOTHING ELSE!!


Really pleased with myself. It is difficult at times, especially when it comes to books, but I am managing :roll::lol::lol:


My current account is still no looking that healthy, but it would have looked much worse if I have been spending. A couple more months and it will look much better :D:D

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If you're struggling with not making book purchases there are some great website where you can swap your old books for ones that other people have. It's a bit like having an on-line library. It just costs you the postage to send them off to their new home and you get posted other books in return. We use www.readitswapit.co.uk.


Good luck with your quest!

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