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eglu.co.uk blogs?

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I'm sure you have! I think the whole idea is that its for yourself really anyway, a kind of hi tech diary... I'd be rubbish at it... I always used to start every new year, from the age of about 11 through to 18, with the intentions of keeping a diary.... it usually lasted about 2 weeks. I think many blogs follow this pattern! :wink:

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I'm sure you have! I think the whole idea is that its for yourself really anyway, a kind of hi tech diary... I'd be rubbish at it... I always used to start every new year, from the age of about 11 through to 18, with the intentions of keeping a diary.... it usually lasted about 2 weeks. I think many blogs follow this pattern! :wink:


I did the same :oops:


Is it James that I contact to set one up?

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I was reading an article only the other day that said that 66% of blogs on the major sites (BlogSpot, LiveJournal, etc) haven't been updated in two months, and over a million were one-day wonders :shock:




It's easy to start a blog, but much harder to maintain the self-discipline to keep posting. I have one on my personal website; I doubt anyone reads it, but one day when I'm a published author maybe it'll interest a few fans :)

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Funny you should mention the link between a blog & publishing a book Redfox!

A book that has been in the best sellers list for a while now started out as a blog! So you never know Redfox - fame & fortune may be on the cards yet :D:D


Belle de Jour is the book. Not one for the faint hearted though! :shock:

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It's easy to start a blog, but much harder to maintain the self-discipline to keep posting.


I agree with you Redfox. My daughter started one just after we adopted our ex battery girls, and to begin with she was excellent at updating it, daily at first and then a little less often, but now she feels as if she's told most of the story, the ex batts are settled, well assimilated into the flock and slowly feathering up..... and she's a lot less interested in keeping it up to date. Mind the fact that it's been the summer holidays and she's been endlessly out and about, I don't think she could find the time to sit at the computer whilst there've been so many more interesting things to do instead :roll:

Hopefully though she'll be reviving it again soon though, more news this weekend :wink:

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Funny you should mention the link between a blog & publishing a book Redfox!

A book that has been in the best sellers list for a while now started out as a blog! So you never know Redfox - fame & fortune may be on the cards yet :D:D


Good Lord, no - my life is far too quiet for my blog to be a book in itself! Instead it's about the writing life, my latest project, etc - basically a way of publicly shaming myself into actually doing some writing :lol:

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I tried to apply for one, but never heard back, and never got sent my login details. I then noticed they're all veeeeery old....... what happened to them? :?

I applied twice and omlet never got back to me :(

Someone said James was just busy so I should just wait, although Martin got one about the same time I was trying.

Not bothering now as have my own blog now and in fact (plug plug) we have space for anyone else to have a chicken blog on our site (PM for details).

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