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Calling all Omlet chicken owners!

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We had our first egg after about four weeks, when our three birds were about 21 weeks old.


We were soon getting two a day, but it took about three months for our third chook to start laying. You could tell she was going to be slow because her comb and wattles were very small and she was definitely the runt of our flock.


We get three eggs most days now.

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Gosh! Some days, some weeks and some months! Ahhhh. I hate being impatient its an awful trait to have.


Think I will have to take a photo of each of them close up and then I need you experts to tell me from their combs how long I have to wait :):wink::roll:


Got in late tonight from work and went out to shut the cube door - the cube area where the bars are were empty so went round to check the nest and just the cutest thing with all three huddled together (i know they shouldnt be in there but they are all warm and cosy). Wanted to take a photo but would shock them with the flash!

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mine were 5 and 6 weeks (brown ) and 8 and 9 weeks (black). We have had 4 eggs for the last 3 days (hens came mid december)


They are now starting to back up in the skelter as we get used to having so many to eat, but I was exactly like you to start with


Its very cute opening up the nest box when you come in from work and finding 4 little eggs all nestled together, so its worth the wait :D

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Mine were 5 or 6 weeks and it nearly drove me mad! Especially when other Omleteers who had their chooks less time got eggs within days! I got my second 'cohort' of chickens in January, and I am much more patient this time!

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I sense your anticipation and know how hard it is to feel patient. Suffice it to say...they will lay - and the lengthening days are on your side.

My hen's combs seemed pale for a long time - but then one day I noticed that one hen's comb seemed to be growing and was getting redder. She crouched at 23 weeks and then laid her first egg (in the run) at 24 weeks. The next one crouched the following week (then an egg!) and so on..


You'll shriek with delight when you find your first egg. It's brilliant! :D


Saronne x

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Six weeks now but they are starting to deepen in colour now. The Omlet man said they were about 16 weeks old and wouldn't lay for several weeks. That being said, we should see something in a couple of weeks from now but realise they will lay in their own good time. The little darlings. :lol:

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The PP comb thing is the biggest but still pale (and dry i keep wanting to put some moisuriser in it!!!) quote]



Our two leghorns had very dry combs and we pop a little vaseline on which they seem to like (they dont like anything else whilst being handled). You may not get eggs any quicker but I am sure she may be more comfortable...


Good Luck. First egg is absolutely amazing (even if ours were on Baytril at the time!!!!)



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All that pressure no wonder they don't lay. Bet they have their legs tightly crossed. :lol:


I waited 4, 5, and 6 weeks but they have laid 145 eggs since December. I tell them not to bother for a bit. :roll:


Why don't you pass the time by preparing an egg tally. I weigh them every day and keep graphs as at top of egg thread. :D

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