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At last! Photos of the new girls!

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1 week after they came home, and 6 days of antibiotics later, here are the promised photos of my new girls. I am still deciding on the names for 2 of them. Today was their first taste of freedom, grass and real sunshine on their backs - something they have certainly never known before. Normally we let our girls out 2 or 3 days after we get them but I wanted then to have their full dose of antibiotics and most of their flubenvet first. The red netting is allowing the 2 flocks to free range seperately (and it is working!)


Out they come, 1 by 1



Our Barnvelder - head girl (of the newbies at least)



Chilling! Our silkie Tallulah, Buff orp Artichoke, and Indian Game enjoy the sunshine



I love this sunshine! Artichoke peers at the camera



Our aracauna is a bit more camera shy!


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At last! (Not that I'm impatient at all ;))


Mate, they are stunning. I am already in love with Tallulah and Artichoke - they look like total babies! Can't wait to meet them. You're right, the Barnevelder is small - she'll soon fill out. I should bring Chive down and show you how big she'll be soon!!


Ooh, I'm so pleased for you. And very jealous of the blue eggs already. *Looks accusingly at Coriander*


I take it Andy's pleased to finally get his Orp :)


See you on Sunday!


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